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I am livid. How come you are insipid?

Page no : 4

PS Prabhakar (Partner in a CA firm) (930 Points)
Replied 07 October 2009

The days are not far off when students will perhaps unite and question such high handed things at the various offices of ICAI. The Students Associations in respective regions should be more pro active (and not simply toe the line of the council member - nominated as the Chairman of the Students Association, who is invariably a stooge of the Chairman of the RC - becoz the post is a nominated one - a quid pro quo for supporting a person for Vice Chairman position) and slowly have a federal set up at Pan India level - select prominent CAs, with no electoral ambitions and who have their hearts for the student community ( believe me, there are a lot of them) to be their mentors , in their respective regions and organise themselves with poise, maturity and responsibility to become a formidable body to ensure right things happen at the right measure in the right manner for the students and even be an effective bridge between the students and the Institute. Slowly, as the size of the organisation swells, they can influence the Government to amend CA regulations to provide for student-members in the committees that directly affect the students. Already many people have begun asking questions. And already there is a decision from Central Information Commission (posted by me under the Exam thread) in favour of a student who was rebuffed for his request for the evaluated answer sheets. So, there will be public support also. The situation that people who come to the helm of affairs for just an year or two can take decisions that would affect any section - be members or students - in the long term should be checked. So, dears, the Institute's future is in your hands. But dont wait for such days to come - you march towards the days.

Ashish Berlia (Finance Leadership Associate)   (93 Points)
Replied 08 October 2009

 But Sir I have heard that voicing against the institute results in stringent measures taken by the Institute in the form of stricter evaluation which no one can question too...

Shiva Mudgil (Chartered Accountant) (31 Points)
Replied 08 October 2009

I am now thinking to write a letter to HRD ministry,I agree with sir we should stand up for now for our own rights otherwise no one will.


Stop fearing that ICAI will evaluate u srtictly.that is jst a rumor.

Tushar (Service) (107 Points)
Replied 08 October 2009

If institutes believes all questions will be practical oriented with intention of testing  an in-depth knowledge then why can’t make it open book exam. Here important is test your understanding and knowledge not memory.....   Suck kind of stupid decision will make CA exam as Memory game

Replied 09 October 2009

Dear Sir,

I kindly request your attention for the words
"Unless you guys raise your voice in protest such mindless madnesses will continue to be unleashed on to you by the powers that be. Please at least urge your coaching class teachers who you think to be close to you to raise appropriate din."

Sir, we know it very well that how important the exam preparation will be and we hardly have time for any sort of agitation. But still I feel we should do something to show our protest be it polite or humble as a first step. I think we the students can write the exam wearing black ribbon on shoulder or chest as a mark of our mourning symbol. The fact is we are prepared for the exams come whatever! But our agitation will be towards, indiscipline, non sense things, stupidity that is prevailing. Can we guide us further in this regard through the CA Club India forum and any other means.It will be great if you take the lead role in this regard to push us ahead.

With Warm Regards,


Power of Silence

Tushar (Service) (107 Points)
Replied 09 October 2009


Aldrine... i think you need to raise your understanding and perception level..... by hearting leads to mechanical approach. ... this is what i am saying..... instead of mugging 2*2 comes 4 why 2*2 comes 4 need to be understood....Open book exam is very common in abroad and given good result.... Even if today we have given infosys B/S, tell me honestly how many of us will able to calculate diluted EPS,segment reporting and consolidation of account.... I am doubtful..... Tell me honestly how much of our exam papers questions are useful in our later professional career..... Are we ever come acroos any adjustment which comes in exam papers? If we have given Satyam case study as  Oppression and MisManagement....student will read a lot and will try to articulate answer in best possible way not in mechanical way....It seems that you  always look negative side and this can be make out easily when Prabhakar wrote a letter to prez… u immediately put It is only when their sons/daughters try to appear for CA exam.. No doubt your loyalty towards institute is appreciated     

Shiva Mudgil (Chartered Accountant) (31 Points)
Replied 09 October 2009

Finally got a reply from the institute.

As expected the reply is"The notification is based on the announcement by BOS".

I do not understand what they mean by that,none of my question are answered and this is the spirit of ICAI.

But I not bowed down by this reply .I will keep fighting for the students even after becoming a CA like Prabhakar sir.

Thanks everyone. 

Replied 09 October 2009


"The days are not far off when students will perhaps unite and question such high handed things at the various offices of ICAI. The Students Associations in respective regions should be more pro active (and not simply toe the line of the council member - nominated as the Chairman of the Students Association, who is invariably a stooge of the Chairman of the RC - becoz the post is a nominated one - a quid pro quo for supporting a person for Vice Chairman position) and slowly have a federal set up at Pan India level - select prominent CAs, with no electoral ambitions and who have their hearts for the student community ( believe me, there are a lot of them) to be their mentors , in their respective regions and organise themselves with poise, maturity and responsibility to become a formidable body to ensure right things happen at the right measure in the right manner for the students and even be an effective bridge between the students and the Institute. Slowly, as the size of the organisation swells, they can influence the Government to amend CA regulations to provide for student-members in the committees that directly affect the students. Already many people have begun asking questions. And already there is a decision from Central Information Commission (posted by me under the Exam thread) in favour of a student who was rebuffed for his request for the evaluated answer sheets. So, there will be public support also. The situation that people who come to the helm of affairs for just an year or two can take decisions that would affect any section - be members or students - in the long term should be checked. So, dears, the Institute's future is in your hands. But dont wait for such days to come - you march towards the days."


I completely agree with what Tushar had to say to Aldrine's message!

Tushar (Service) (107 Points)
Replied 10 October 2009


Dear Aldrine,
Still we are missing the pinpoint. I have due respect for your point "we are obeying our parents in childhood (even if they are not 100%), because they are our guide. It is the policy of our society to make good personalities (citizens)” but when we realize that it is wrong policy and causing a great damage to our society, corrective actions should be taken. Not necessary whatever mistakes are done by our ancestor, we should continue with that.  In regarding understanding the concepts, note that only those person shares thought  who have properly understood the concept,so  I feel no need to take doubts on an understanding the concept of all who are sharing their thoughts through the forum. As you have mentioned about probability, again my dear friend first we need to understand logic behind it (probability)and then we can gain the knowledge.

Tushar (Service) (107 Points)
Replied 10 October 2009


I really enjoyed exchanging views with you. I am stopping here from writing anymore msg on this subject. Because i feel ,by doing this, we are diverting the main topic..... finally....i will put my thought in single line.....

"Jack of all trades, master of none"...... no customs or religion denies the importance of development of logical thinking at first stage.... even accepting others belief, one need to understand the concept behind it....  even water ..... one must know what is water and its importance....





even if this protest comes to the notice of ICAI i dont think those who appear in NOV 09 exams can escape this...

They will have to face..I m one such.

ICAI has increased the BP levels of its already pressurised students..

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