I am Depressed.

Page no : 3

Yogesh Bhatt (Company Secretary) (475 Points)
Replied 20 April 2010

Dear ,

To leaving is not solution.

first other's give solace to u but u can be only moderator of your life.

and ur age is only 23. if ur backgroud is good so just attack on your goal.

dont think other way to do settle.

and u enjoy ur failure. it is diff to enjoy failutre. but it is normal part of our life..during life ther will number of situation will create which will more diff than ca result.

our mind always be happy in good situation and depressed in bad situation so it is normal dont disturb ..jsut go ahed..

think always  where everyone fall,  from that limits i hv capacity to grow again.

best of luck , just attack  on ur goal.

so first be cool and start prparation as u doing preparation in first attemp.

jsut walk , walk ,walk, walk ,walk ,walk ,and u will find ur destination.

and i m not telling u to attach with jsut ca but u feel u hv to leave ca then leave but decision must be urs.

and must be full of confident.

no excuse.

so dear all is depend on u.. dont think more..in failure thought disturb our mind is normal but dont disturb..

again i told u go ahed.

best of luck

Venkatesh S G (Accountant) (30 Points)
Replied 20 April 2010

"No matter what u achieve u should not be fully satisfied

And always serching for  ways to prove yourself "

so start ur fresh efforts

subodh (Service) (88 Points)
Replied 20 April 2010

Dear Radhe,

I personally know few people who have struggled clearing PE-2 but have cleared final exam in very fist attempt. So dont loose hope but at the same you have said that you are still to start with your articleship, So in my opinion you have to set a time limit for yourself, like this will be my final go.. and i will try to give 100% for it and still if you are not able to clear it then u should start looking for other career options.

Venkatesh S G (Accountant) (30 Points)
Replied 20 April 2010


My last words to u dear for raising your fighting spirit ,

"Defeat the Defeat ,

 Frustrate the Frustration

and Kill the Despair "


Have faith in your self and you will succeed.

Deepak Bhardwaj (ACS, LLB & CA Finalist) (132 Points)
Replied 20 April 2010

Ohh come on,, You are only seeing one aspect of yours that you are failing everytime,but not the other that you are really a true fighter which others cant even think of normally. This is what you have to learn, believe that you are really having something somewhere which need to look upon' take it like this then see how you gonna suceed. Its just a matter of click put your 500%,nothing could stop you.

I heard a very good line from someone that " if you finally succeed in your life then 5-6 yrs really doesnt matter""  and i thoroughly started believing that what if,  few years have been wasted,afterall our life is much more longer than few years.

And mark my words now.... You will clear your both groups of finals in one sitting

everybody will force you to quit but dont forget that a warrior never gives up,if you really wanna be a fighter. CA koi duniya ki akhri cheez nahi nahi ke hum usey achieve nahi kar sakte,,duniya mein issey bhi tough togh cheezay hai orr  unhe bhi to log karte hi hai naa.... To CA cheez hi kya hai.

Jhonk do puri tarah se apne aap ko, you will clear this time,,,, I assure you.


svs (Finance) (65 Points)
Replied 20 April 2010

Just take a break for a year, take up alternate employment for a year. Should help you from the mad 6 monthly fight. After a year take a fresh look at your career options - you may be ready for another attempt or may choose another career line. Decisions in frustration is no good

Nitin Grover (CS) (1228 Points)
Replied 21 April 2010

Dear Friend

Might be its good for some one but its not good for everyone so pls never suggest any one for break

its difficult to catch the same way which u have leaved due uncomfortability for yourself

so dear dont take break after smtime it will difficult to catch it


Pls be cool now and tension free. Do study with enjoyment and in your own good way

Dont worry abt exams and then result


Ok dear



tony matthew (CA in Practice) (611 Points)
Replied 23 April 2010

No one can go back to start a new begining , BUT ANYONE ca start today to make new ending,,,

dont think about what happaned....

dont go for 50-50 Bettle try for rank , at worst u ii pass i m sure

CA is not dificult it requires technical approach...

the main thing is what u will become tomorow........

keep faith in yourself try hard & make your parents proud of you..

i think u can ....

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Dr.APJ. Kalam


With rising flood the rising lotus flower its stem unwinds;
The dignity of men is measured by their minds.


The stalks of water-flowers are proportionate to the depth of water; so is men's greatness proportionate to their minds.






Concentrate more on Costing and Tax.

Refer for financial management Ravi M.Kishore Book only example.


vikash rathi (Chartered Accountant) (787 Points)
Replied 25 April 2010

dont leave ....concentrate on study........this time u will definitely clear....best of luck

shakuntala chhangani (FCA Course co-ordinator WIRC coaching centre)   (2525 Points)
Replied 26 April 2010

Dear Radhe, u hv earned so many good wishes in these five pages. so good luck will definitely follow u. u r 23 only and learned a lot (as each failure teaches u something - about mistakes which u should not repeat in future) whereas i started CA when i was 23  . It means comparing that point ur education level is higher than me. then what r u worried about???? Be confident of urself. hv faith in god. Do a proper SWOT analysis and do ur studies properly leaving ur fear behind. Just move ahead and win the race.

In case u hv any further problem, u can contact me. All the best

CA Shakuntala Chhangani

Prateek (B.Com(H) PGDBA CA Final)   (436 Points)
Replied 26 April 2010

hey members give some suggestions /forum/suggestion-needed-from-the-members-80058.asp

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