Just like we do vertical filter in an excel sheet can there be a horizontal filter inserted?
CA Ankit Banka (CA) (183 Points)
21 October 2013Just like we do vertical filter in an excel sheet can there be a horizontal filter inserted?
(Believe!! Live your dreams!)
(33516 Points)
Replied 21 October 2013
You can do the same with help of macro.
Refer this artcile: https://blog.livedoor.jp/andrewe/archives/50283818.html
CA Ankit Banka
(183 Points)
Replied 21 October 2013
Thanks Vaibhav for the reply but this macro is not so useful...is there any other way to do it..
(Believe!! Live your dreams!)
(33516 Points)
Replied 21 October 2013
There is no other way around..
Share me what you want exactly i can figure it out although thry Macro.
Abhimanyu Bind
(CA Final Student & Audit Assitant)
(2051 Points)
Replied 28 October 2013
Tried to reasearch on this but its only can be done through vba or macro. There are no direct command or button is available for horizontal filter.
CA Ankit Banka
(183 Points)
Replied 30 October 2013
What I exactly want is to delete entire blank column in a sheet at a time.. to have this I thought of putting therein horizontal filter and get the blank columns
Shahid Ali
(22 Points)
Replied 01 November 2013
If you are facing more problem try this it may help you...https://www.excelforum.com/excel-general/694623-can-i-auto-filter-horizontally.html
CA Kumar Mukesh
(CA CMA FINAL and Advance Excel Trainer)
(6881 Points)
Replied 24 January 2014
Please use TRANSPOSE or PIVOT TABLE option, these will certaintly helps you lots
Siwani Singh
(21 Points)
Replied 28 July 2016
You may change horizontal filters and vertical filters as well as. This Link may help you https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16822916/best-way-to-filter-both-vertically-and-horizontally
(22 Points)
Replied 22 December 2018
I have uploaded a video showing exactly how to accomplish horizontal filtering.
Hope this helps.
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