Help for a Big4 job

Anonymous (CA) (29 Points)

02 March 2011  

Hi, I have cleared my CA in first attempt and am planning to join Big4 in Taxation profile. I have heard that there are crazy working hours in Stat Audit in any of the Big4 and also there is lot of travelling involved as well, athough I am not sure whether both late timings and travelling are the same in Taxation profile also. I stay in Mumbai and would want to avoid travelling out of Mumbai

I have also heard that Big4 provide a cab or other travelling facilities for daily travels from office to residence. I would be glad if any1 who is already doing a job in a Big4 would share his/her experience about the conditions in case of a taxation profile. Also, as a fresher, what is the starting package that I can expect in any of the Big4 in Mumbai?

Your valuable suggestions / sharing of experience would help me in making correct decision......

Thanks in advance