Gst registration for different states
Dhanakirthi (Manager-Accounts) (34 Points)
03 July 2017Dhanakirthi (Manager-Accounts) (34 Points)
03 July 2017
(34 Points)
Replied 03 July 2017
Hi, we are commercial Rental space Provider from of our Tenant Registered GST Under Tamil nadu as their head ofc in Tamil nadu and They are asking us to Invoice to Tamilnadu we are providing Service in Karnataka and how can i Mention Tamilnadu Address and tamilnadu GST Number?? please let me know ,if is there any provisions?.. Thanks..
Read more at: /forum/gst-registration-for-different-states-401130.asp#reply
P C Agrawal
(Registered independent director Past Chairman of Aurangabad Chapter of ICSI Practicing Company Secretary at Aurangabad)
(8229 Points)
Replied 03 July 2017
You can raise invoice at their TamilNadu address. However, as per Sec.12 of IGST Act is the place where the immovable property is situated and GST has to be charged accordingly. In this case you will have to charge CGST and SGST. As per clarification given by Govt on Twitter, credit of SGST of one State cannot be taken in another State.
(34 Points)
Replied 03 July 2017
Thanks sir...
if Tenant not provided Karnataka GST details ..we should treat as Non Registered customer right..Becuase if we mentiond Tamilnadu GST No ,sofware will take Automatically IGST and they may use credit of this it will be our fault in future..