Exposure Draft of Accounting Standard (AS) 5 (Revised 20XX) (Corresponding to IAS 8), Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors (Comments to be received by 7 April 2010)
Rajiv (student) (2324 Points)
12 March 2010Exposure Draft of Accounting Standard (AS) 5 (Revised 20XX) (Corresponding to IAS 8), Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors (Comments to be received by 7 April 2010)
(2324 Points)
Replied 12 March 2010
Exposure Draft of Accounting Standard (AS) 34 (Revised 20XX) (Corresponding to IAS 29), Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies (Comments to be received by 7 April 2010)
(2324 Points)
Replied 12 March 2010
Exposure Draft of Accounting Standard (AS) 35 (Revised 20XX) (Corresponding to IFRS 6), Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources (Comments to be received by 7 April 2010)