I am asking you all only one question here. This is just a hypothetical question.
If you want destroy somebody, lets even say for argument sake kill it, which option would you choose,
Option 1: Illiegal Option or
Option 2: Legal Option.
I will definitely choose legal option. There was a period in the International trade when GOLD was smuggled (take any 1970s, 1980s movie). But now, each person is personally entitled to carry, if I am not wrong, 5 kgs of gold. Now, gold smuggling is out of fashion.
I hope, you are getting the point, while there is perfectly legal option which is easy and convenient why would you choose the illegal option.
LETS SEE, if the Institute wants only say 5% as pass percentage and the actual results turns out to be 20%, what would the Institute do???????
Lets for one moment assume, they randomly cut marks and reduce it to 5%. Lets see what are the consequences.
If you get your paper by RTI, Which is currently under some dispute, what will happen to the Institute, it will be in a soup.
So what CAN The INSTITUTE do, simple
Ask one of the most difficult Consolidation, amalgamation and valuation question and one accouting standard question which almost none Knows.
Ask some brilliant quetion in MAFA
Auditing - Test from hitherto untested area for some 40 marks
Law - Just ask those section which are never tested but are within syllabus for some 35 marks
Costing - Already fail - Simply ask 150 marks question for 100 marks
MICS / ISCA - Just ask question from study material and give strict instruction that only exact answers be given mark
DT - always tough
Now, you see, by doing this and following a strict correction pattern, the pass percentage can only touch 5%.
The risky option of revising the marks or perfectly legal option of making the paper toughest.
Wake up, the Last May 2010 paper was the toughest in the past six years ( I AM All India 26th Rank, I have done some serious research).
Sometimes only one or two papers are tough, but last time all the EIGHT Papers were on mark, superb standard.
The Institute has simply raised its bar, it has taken the easier and legal route. By setting paper tough, even Supreme Court cannot interfere in paper setting. Its easy boss.
This is what, I would do, if I was BoS and I think this is was most would if they werr the president.
So wake up, close CAclubindia and start studying.