Exam Dates Has Been Changed (May 2011)
Suresh Prasad (www.aubsp.com) (15630 Points)
15 March 2011Suresh Prasad (www.aubsp.com) (15630 Points)
15 March 2011
Devadas K S
(One life one Dream)
(3525 Points)
Replied 15 March 2011
Thank u so much sir............
Manmohan ACA, CS
(Chartered Accountant )
(14243 Points)
Replied 15 March 2011
Chartered Accountancy Examinations, May, 2011.
In view of the Election to the West Bengal State Legislative Assembly, Paper-1, `Advanced Accounting’ of Professional Competence Examination and Paper-1, `Accounting’ of Integrated Professional Competence Examination scheduled to be held on Tuesday, the 3rd May, 2011 at Kolkata Zone-I, Zone-II and Zone-III centres stand postponed and the examination in the said papers shall now be held at Kolkata Zone I, Zone-II and Zone-III centres on Wednesday, 18th May, 2011 at the same venues and at the same timings i.e. 2.00 PM to 5.00 PM.
Senior Deputy Director (Exams.)
Suresh Prasad
(15630 Points)
Replied 15 March 2011
Suresh Prasad
(15630 Points)
Replied 23 March 2011