You can straight away refer another discussion in this forum if you know what to be used / not to be used in a Resume
:: But If you are planning to polish up your CV, take a note and stop using these buzzwords to sell yourself ::
"Creative" is the most overused buzzword in LinkedIn profiles in Australia, the social networking site said, followed by” effective", "motivated" and "extensive experience," News reported.
Using buzzwords not only makes your CV generic, but it can give the impression that you are trying to mislead your prospective employer. To explain this in our accounting terminology, it's like "Form Over Content" which is a contradictory to the basic standards
If you can't put a metric or a statistic next to that statement, you shouldn't have it in your CV.
Also you should never include aspiration statements in your resume.
"'I want to be, or my goal is, or in the future I want', they're all massive red flags because they all basically say you're not qualified to do the job you're doing now,"
Following are the top 10 buzzwords that one should notice:
1. Creative
2. Effective
3. Motivated
4. Extensive experience
5. Track record
6. Innovative
7. Responsible
8. Analytical
9. Communication skills
10. Positive
Appreciate for sharing this and thanks a ton to Sir David Schwarz (Career Expert), a principal consultant at career management firm Board Portfolio
( Source: )