Advertisement expenses are indirectly benefiting consumers, so it can be added to cost.
For ex: if cost of product is 1000 and 20 units are sold,S.p wud b 50.(ignoring profits).now consider adv exp of 10 incurred .nw no of units sold will increase to 50 and cost being1100(1000+100)..S.p will become 22.since this benefit arises to customer through economies of scale and thus it is right to charge it from customer.other benefits of advrtisemnts r it creates customer convinience,elimination of middleman cost,controlling price fluctuations and overcharging,better quality..etc.
if adv becomes part of retained earnings,then co will find it difficult to price their products and they will show higher profits then actual and pay more tax which would agn be chrgd bck frm customer indirectly as motive of business is not to pay taxes bt increase profits. and as i said earlier,no co vill incurr adv widout gving serious thot as outflow of funds matters more than who will be paying taxes on it (wich wud be peanuts agnst huge exp). and it is not alwys necesry dat sch huge expnse vill generate returns..all that matters is product.