Discussion on the justification of taxing ad expense by govt

JTM1988 (student) (57 Points)

01 August 2012  

Hello guys, I do have a doubt. This is intended to qualified CA,CMA,CS etc.

My Doubt

Case 1. A manufacturer of cars have incurred an amount of Rs.10 crores as advertisement on its new model. The Advertisement Agency recieves this 10 crore and pays tax on it. Thus the govt gets its revenue via tax on this perticular revenue stream.

Case 2: The manufacturer then divides this Advertisement expense to each of its product, that comprises the unit cost of each cars. The end consumer on buying the product pays tax on it, in effect, the buyer too pays tax on the advertisement expense allocated to each cars. Thus the govt receives tax on Rs 10crore amount again(considering all units of which this expense was allocated to is sold out), though from a diferent entity.

I would like to get comments on this issue that the GOVT TAKES TAX ON THE SAME REVENUE STREAM TWICE.

I do reckon that there are two individuals taxed in this situation. But on the point of view of ethics doesn't this come under a varient of double taxation issue, though I understand that double taxation arises were a single assesees pays tax on his income/asset/transaction twice.

This doubt had crept in while my friends and I were having a conversation with A qualified CA. He said that this isn't an issue of double taxation. I Agree this, if we consider the stricter meaning of DOUBLE TAXATION. But shouldn't we accomodate the concept the TAX COLLECTOR too must avoid taxing twice the same REVENUE STREAM, even if its from different individuals.

What my friends and I opinioned was that, wouldn't it be wiser to make it mandatory that Advertisement Expenditure can only be borne out of a manufacturer's RETAINED EARNINGS or PROFIT AFTER TAX (ofcourse relaxation to this rule could b given for newly formed businesses), and this expenditure wouldn't be included among the product cost and the question of taxing it the second time from Consumer can be avoided.

Kindly do feel free to put in valuable comments as any meaningful effort from the readers of this thread is highly appreciated.