Can anyone kindly tell me, what exactly was the ban about, which has been lifted by the Supreme Court in a case of ICAI v. ICFAI.
Also, being a CA Final student, can i join the 6-level CFA course(not to b confused with the the 9-level MS Finance from ICFAI) offered by ICFAI Tripura?
Please help me regarding this as i am gettin variour opinions on this...viz.
1. I cant join ICFAI as a CA student as thr is a ban.
2. I can join CFA from ICFAI Tripura as there is no ban on CA students joining ICFAI as well.
3. I can't join CFA from ICFAI Tripura as the ban is only for CA students... and members of ICAI are allowed to do CFA.
4. I can join CFA from ICFAI Tripura because there is no ban on CA members as well as CA students.
As u can guess, i am thoroughly confused.
PLS HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!