Raam ji u r awesome..u r right.no one in this world is here to help others..because everyone earned income by doing hardwork and not in simpler way and so no one will be interested in helping poor from their sweat.
I just wanted to ask u onething..there are two people..one who is having more knowledge..and one who is having less knowledge..in ur words..the person who is having more knowledge had got the knowledge by doing hardwork..and so he should not share his knowledge with the one who has less knowledge.!!
In the same way.there is a farmer and a rice miller..here farmer does hardwork more than the ricemiller by facing somuch difficulties but rice miller is benifiting more..but u said doing hard work will earns money but in this situation farmer should become richer ..but he is not..in this situation don't u think that miller is exploiting..
See Dirubhai ambani and TATA worked hard came up and became richer..but they never asked their children to come from bottom level and become rich..since they earned they asked them to develop..and offcourse they have businesses they have become rich..
but we have seen somany poor people whise children are very inteliigent but due to caste systems and several problems they are unable to to read ..even though they try hard for being educated do u think that they will get nice studies..this is not gandhian days fo getting everything which we think..
so there is nothing wrong in asking rich people in donating some amount to poor..or no need of money ..can't they just buy books for the government schools..can't they donate some part of land for houses for poor..because everything cannot be done by the government...every single citizen in India should feel responsible for helping poor..
coming to me..i myself give clothes to the poor ..will offer groceries to the poor..will provide books for poor students..and educating two students who are not able to finish their acadamics ..though we are earning we are not selfish in spending money..as the rich people do..
What is wrong in in small drops make an ocean quote..do u think everything in the world done faster..even in the story of crow and the pot..crow started throwing somany stones for sipping water..in the same way..gandhiji also got the people slowly not all of a sudden..Anna Hazare also started singly but later a oceanic crowd is supporting him..so everything will be started with the number one ..let it take years but there will be development possible.