Career as a Company Secretary- Complete Guide

CA CS CIMA Prakash Somani (Landmark Group) (23507 Points)

21 January 2009  

Career as a Company Secretary


1.                   ICSI- The Institute of Company Secretaries of India  

The ICSI  is a professional Institute set up under The Company Secretaries  Act, 1980, an Act of Parliament to develop and regulate the profession of Company Secretaries.  The ICSI has its Headquarters at New Delhi , four Regional Offices in Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai and New Delhi and Chapter  Offices in 69 cities across the country.  It has Examination Centres in 66 cities across the country and an overseas centre at Dubai . It provides postal and oral coaching and training to students to qualify as Company Secretaries.  For details visit our website or call 0120-4239993-99 during Office Hours.

 2.                   The Company Secretaryship Course  

Company Secretaries Course is a professional course conducted in three stages, that is, Foundation Programme, Executive Programme and Professional Programme. CS Course is by correspondence and the students are provided with study material at the time of registration. Students have the option to undergo postal coaching by submitting response sheets to the various test papers or attend  Oral coaching classes conducted by the Regional Councils and Chapters of the Institute, Accredited Centres & ICSI Empanelled Centres to become  eligible to write the examination.

  Students who have passed 10+2 examination or are appearing in 12th  class examination are eligible for admission to Foundation Programme. Graduates are exempted from Foundation Programme and are eligible for admission to Executive Programme straight away.  Admission is open throughout the year and on-line admission is also available.

  Examinations are held in June & December.  The CS course offers excellent career opportunities both in employment and in practice.  For details visit our website or call 0120-4239996 during office hours.

  3.                  If you have passed or are appearing in 10+2 examination  

Students who have passed the 10+2 examination are eligible for admission to the Foundation Programme. Provisional admission is also allowed to a student who has appeared or enrolled for appearing in the 10 + 2 examination.  The duration of the CS Foundation Programme is 8 months.  Admission is open throughout the year.  Students registering upto 31st March  are eligible to appear in December examination in the same year and those registered upto 30th September are  eligible to appear in June examination of next year. There are four papers in the CS Foundation Programme.  Admission fee including postal tuition fee is Rs. 3,600. Foundation Programme prospectus can be obtained on  payment of Rs.200 in any of the Institutes’ offices or by post  by sending a Demand Draft of Rs.250.  Students after passing the Foundation Programme become eligible for admission to the Executive Programme. For details visit our website or call   0120-4239998 during office hours. Email your queries to:   ss_ enrol @

 4.                  If you are a Graduate  

Graduates in any discipline except Fine Arts, irrespective of percentage or division of marks or medium of examination  are exempted from passing the Foundation Programme  and eligible for direct registration for the Executive Programme.  The Executive Programme comprises of six papers divided into two modules of three papers each.  Admission is open throughout the year on payment of  Rs. 7,000 for Commerce Graduates and Rs. 7750 for non-Commerce Graduates.  Students registering upto 28th February are eligible to appear in both modules in December examination in the same year and those registered upto 31st  August are eligible to appear in both modules in June examination of next year. Students registered upto 31st  May are eligible to appear in one module in December examination and those registered upto 30th  November are eligible for appearing in one module in June examination of next year.

 Prospectus can be obtained on  payment of Rs. 300 in any of the Institutes’ offices or by post  by sending a Demand Draft of Rs. 350.  Students after passing the Executive Programme become eligible for admission to the Professional Programme. For details visit our website or call 0120-4239999 during office hours. Email your queries to : ss_registration @

  5.                 Training requirements  

A student has to undergo 15 month Training in a company or under a Practising Company Secretary after passing the Executive Programme or Professional Programme. Students who possess prescribed practical experience can seek partial or total exemption from Training.  Sponsorship for the Training is made by the Institute. The companies and the Practising Company Secretaries pay stipend during the training period. In addition every student is required to undergo 15 days Training in a specialized agency and  15 days Secretarial Modular Training Programme.

A person becomes eligible for admission as  Associate Member of the Institute on successful completion of Training and passing of Professional  Programme.  

For details visit our website or call 011- 25781672 during working hours. Email your queries to:  training @