Riyaz Khan (CA CS (Exec) MBA (Fin) Asst. General Manager-SEBI Internal Auditor-British Certifications Inc.)   (1315 Points)

11 June 2010  



"GLOBAL WARMING" is not a new term. As all know that most probably our earth is going near to its end day by day. Urbanisation is spreading its wings very fast and number of trees is decreasing day by day.The day is not so far when the entire earth will become brown without any green tree on it.


CA CLUB INDIA is a professional website, and all the members of this great site are highly educated, sincere and professionals. I hope they need not be explained the cause and effects of "GLOBAL WARMING". Therefore, as a member of this professional website, today, I would like to form a request for all the members to save our planet for at least our next generation.


Today, I want all 4 Lacs members of CA CLUB INDIA to plant at least one tree per member at any time and location suitable to them. Whenever, they get some free time, I request them to plant a tree for our preceious earth.


Further, I would like to request CA CLUB INDIA ADMIN to put this request in "POPULAR DISCUSSION" at least for one week and I would also like to request all the members of the site that please put your comments and replies ONLY AFTER PLANTING THE TREE NOT BEFORE THAT. I really want to see how professional and educated we are.


Let us start from me, Yesterday, I planted two trees in my society and I have plan to plant at least one tree next week also.


So, please members, dont let down our noble CA Profession and let us create a record of planting maximum number of trees in India to save the earth and our generation. Let us take this proud initiative to enroll our CA Profeesion in world record for meeting our social and moral responsiblities too, throuhg this great professional website.


Please Please Please take this as my humble and sincere request and spare some time out of your busy schedule for our earth also and let's see how many replies come.



Best Regards,


R.D Khan