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CA salary proposed 9L minimum from 2012! will it happen???

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mukul mehra (B.com MBA-HR ADLL CS-Final LLb TCP)   (591 Points)
Replied 14 June 2011

@ rahul bro you win i lose dear arey yaar as an HR writing is my hobby ab ussey mat rok mujhe i write a lot in blogs dear and for your answer they really did make a mistake in hiring me haha now happy enjoy and study well i hope we will meet soon i pray we meet soon.

@ priya apart from studies you have to groom your several others aspects such as like personality, behaviour, communication skills very much required for a CA to present himself at the times when required and also do perfrom your SWOT analysis you wiil get to know your strengths which you can capitalise on for example if your are good at english you may be good at drafting thats a plus point in your CA. if you can speak well you will be able to address yourself better in interviews and infront various senior officials for an example again if you have been asked a question what is audit trail you know the answer but you dont know whats the best way to convery your answer then you might lose an option to score out there in an interview because conveying your answer in best possible way thats is what is required to grab success in interview and also they way you sit in interviews, the way you shake hands, the way you address your seniors on very first day of your job all gets noticed because you are still in probation at that time, every action you perform,every words you speak defines your future in the organisation and also computer skills i mean very few persons new how to use the MS office efficiently and when it comes to CA you are in a bigger problem because you have to directly deal with a SAP software(ERP) and they are so tough to understand and grasp so it takes time to grasp those things so instead waisting your whole time in training just learning only those softwares

you miss lot of other things to learn out there what i a meant to say that every company who is paying 9 L requires a person who is already brushed and polished upto a certain extent 70-80% so that companies dont have to incur anymore huge amount on their training and development skills as such because as tejas said that accounting is unproductive work its true but its most important and vital part of the organisation without accounting you cannot plan and ascertain future events.so it is indeed vital but not as vital as other productive works like marketing and sales etc

so they want ready to use material today from CA institute rather a raw one.so start brushing up your skills and keep on motivating yourself that even 9 L is smaller in front of me i have capabilities to achieve much much more AS a CA i dont think that you all should get 9 L price tag because you all are capable individuals with tremendous knowledge and talent with that you can conquer any organisation the only thing is to improve yourself daily to be a new professional daily tckr keep rocking

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Priya (article) (503 Points)
Replied 15 June 2011

originall posted by BALU A HELPING HAND - /forum/group-discussion-some-crucial-gd-tips-25293.asp



Group Discussion is a very important round in any selection process, be it for an MBA course, campus recruitment or for any graduate/post graduate degree. The selection committee conducts GD to gauge whether the candidate has certain personality traits and/or skills that it desires in its members, say for example

§ Ability to work in a team
§ Communication skills
§ Leadership skills
§ Reasoning ability
§ Initiativeness
§ Assertiveness
§ Creatibility
§ Flexibility
§ Ability to think and act independently

Normally groups of 8-10 candidates are formed into a leaderless group, and are given a specific situation to analyse and discuss within a given time limit. The group may be given a Case Study and asked to come out with a solution for a problem. The group may be given a topic and asked to discuss on the same. A panel will observe the proceedings and evaluate the members of the group.

Let’s discuss some few relevant points which one should remember while appearing for a GD. One needs to know what one's objective in the group is---- to be noticed by the panel and to contribute meaningfully in an attempt to help the group reach the right consensus.

1) The first thing is that the panel should notice you. Merely making a meaningful contribution and helping the group arrive at a consensus is not enough.

· You must ensure that the group hears you. If the group hears you, so will the evaluator.

· You need to be assertive. It depends on you how you steer the group in the right direction, once it gets stuck to something. This gives you the chance to showcase your leadership skills.

· Most importantly, you have to make your chances. Many group discussion participants often complain that they did not get a chance to speak. The fact is that in no group discussion will you get a chance to speak. There is nothing more unacceptable in a GD than keeping one's mouth shut or just murmuring things which are inaudible.

2) The second most essential thing is that your contribution to the group should be meaningful. For that you need to have a good knowledge base. You should be able to think logically and hence put forth you ideas cohesively. The quality of what you said is more valuable than the quantity. It doesn’t help if you shout at the top of your voice and speak at great length, what matters most is what you speak and how it creates an impact on the group as well as the evaluators.

3) The last most important thing is that you must be clearly seen to be attempting to build a consensus. This shows your ability to work in a team, your ability to adjust yourself in new surroundings and help others in your team to reach a definite conclusion amidst difference of opinions. After all this is what all Group Discussions aim at: To be able to discuss and arrive at a consensus.

To be able to meet the above requirements during a Group Discussion, one should keep in mind the following basic mantras: 

 Be Yourself. Be as natural as possible and don’t try to be someone you are not.

b) Take time to organize your thoughts. Don’t suddenly jump to any conclusion. Think before you speak so that you don’t speak anything irrelevant to the topic being discussed.

c) Don’t make the mistake of looking at the panel while you are speaking. You are in aGroup Discussion and you are expected to discuss among group members, so always look at your group members while you are speaking.

d) Seek clarifications if you have any doubts regarding the subject, before the discussion commences.

e) Your body language says a lot about you - your gestures and mannerisms are more likely to reflect your attitude than what you say.
f) Never try to show your dominance. Be assertive, speak yourself and let others speak as well.

g) Don’t lose your cool if anyone says anything you object to. The key is to stay objective: Don't take the discussion personally.

h) Show your leadership skills. Motivate the other members of the team to speak. Be receptive to others' opinions and do not be abrasive or aggressive.

i) Remember, opening the discussion is not the only way of gaining attention and recognition. If you do not give valuable insights during the discussion, all your efforts of initiating the discussion will be in vain.

Don’t be disheartened if you did not do well in your First Group Discussion. Instead try to learn from your past mistakes. Remember,
Practice makes man perfect!!!!!

A-G-V (Student) (571 Points)
Replied 15 June 2011

Hope the dream comes true soon

premkarora (CMA) (86 Points)
Replied 15 June 2011

Originally posted by : CA Mukesh Jain S

Its really a great move. CA's are paid very low though they have Vast knowledge & experiance.

sumit sehrawat (student) (70 Points)
Replied 17 June 2011

I read all posts here

I agree with mukul but at the same time i will say priya was also right to some extent.

We lack in communication skills and this is the major problem a CA faces in its life. It is

Because he has been studying practical subjects. A 2-3 months training can teach these skills easily but the knowledge a CA possesses cannot be learn in such shorter period, it takes so much time to be that knowledgelable person. A auditor much have knowledge of all areas i.e accounting, taxation, laws. So you cannot compare a CA & a MBA. because they are two different qualifications and they differ in their work.

MBAs have lost their reputation because you can find everyone is doing MBA and there is no single institute to control the result of the MBAs unlike ICAI. We hold reputation because we are less in numbers and this is not the case with MBAs. It requires HARD WORK to be a CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT unlike CS AND MBA where there is no such low result percentage. Anyway i was giving my suggestions and i dont want to fight here. Sorry if i m wrong somewhere.

And YES this is the great move by the ICAI we should atleast get that package.

Priya (article) (503 Points)
Replied 23 June 2011

undergoing GMCS currently n whats more it is headed by an HR :) He said he is gonna take care of everything a CA lacks(including forementioned lacunas) and himself is in need of professionals for his company so he is groom us real good :) 

hope to gel in with the corporate world after GMCS!

Ranjan (ca final article) (76 Points)
Replied 23 June 2011

Hope this will happen..

Originally posted by : sumit sehrawat

I read all posts here

I agree with mukul but at the same time i will say priya was also right to some extent.

We lack in communication skills and this is the major problem a CA faces in its life. It is

Because he has been studying practical subjects. A 2-3 months training can teach these skills easily but the knowledge a CA possesses cannot be learn in such shorter period, it takes so much time to be that knowledgelable person. A auditor much have knowledge of all areas i.e accounting, taxation, laws. So you cannot compare a CA & a MBA. because they are two different qualifications and they differ in their work.

MBAs have lost their reputation because you can find everyone is doing MBA and there is no single institute to control the result of the MBAs unlike ICAI. We hold reputation because we are less in numbers and this is not the case with MBAs. It requires HARD WORK to be a CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT unlike CS AND MBA where there is no such low result percentage. Anyway i was giving my suggestions and i dont want to fight here. Sorry if i m wrong somewhere.

And YES this is the great move by the ICAI we should atleast get that package.

....so ur admitting urself that value of CA is due to thier  lower number and not because of their quality or knowledge..This is very much right...we all know, ICAI is puposefully failing students to reduce the overall resut..a passed CA must look into the cries of the purposefully failed one and should fight against this crueltyt of ICAI..

please dont beleive that lower result done by ICAI is right.

though there are lakhs of advocates there are persons getting even 1 lak per hour in courts....and in laks of MBA's  there are persons getting high salary...the harworker and the talented persons always awarded well.

even me a CA final student.I ageee that "just because we HAVE THE WORDS CA BEFORE US DOES NOT MEANS WE ARE SOMEONE GREAT..just relax saying urself u r lucky coz u didnt fall in the ICAI failing list"....we all know in many subjects we study uncessesary things which not even anywhere happening in the practical world like...

many topics from the information systen control and audit.

in auditing we all know many things are just blah... blah..

eg for just putting a tick in the voucher'..we all know from our training that 4-5 things to be verified.but they will write it in books as it  a BIGGGG thing and and it will run to 10-12 pages!!!

in other sublect also most of the areas are not practical....

so i beleive  the practically talented ones only should  get good salary..


Tejas (M.Com CA CS CFA (US) Prog. Grad..)   (354 Points)
Replied 23 June 2011

Sorry to disappoint you Priya but GMCS is purely for having fun and making new contacts and friends (i.e. networking). If in 15 days we could learn seven new skills, then by now everyone would be super talented!

GMCS is a desperate attempt by ICAI to bridge the gap between CAs and MBAs in terms of presentation and communication skills which is too inadequate.

Tejas (M.Com CA CS CFA (US) Prog. Grad..)   (354 Points)
Replied 23 June 2011

@ raj I can assure you there is NOTHING blah blah in the audit subject. Every single paragraph and word has intense application in the audit process.

Tejas (M.Com CA CS CFA (US) Prog. Grad..)   (354 Points)
Replied 23 June 2011

@ Raj you are quite right. ICAI and the CA exam needs a major revamping. There are a lot of things which are not right about the CA course and they need to be studied into and worked out. But I dont expect anything to happen like it has never happened in the past.

CA Mukesh Jain S (Chartered Accountant in Practice)   (692 Points)
Replied 23 June 2011

But we may not attract many companies towards campus

shaishav soni (CA final) (348 Points)
Replied 23 June 2011

It's an Appreciable Move by the President,necessary & justful for C.A. Students,i have also seen that some of the Freshers getting low salary Packages.if it happens it will distinguish the quality of study,work,Knowledge that a C.A posseses & others.It should be our status to get a minimum good salary for which a C.A. is entitled.

Priya (article) (503 Points)
Replied 07 July 2011

Originally posted by : Tejas

Sorry to disappoint you Priya but GMCS is purely for having fun and making new contacts and friends (i.e. networking). If in 15 days we could learn seven new skills, then by now everyone would be super talented!

GMCS is a desperate attempt by ICAI to bridge the gap between CAs and MBAs in terms of presentation and communication skills which is too inadequate.

arrey nahi yaar sir is an HR of a multinational and i asked him whether i should do the GMPAP course(gen, mgmt. prog. for account prof.) of IIM calcutta, he replied i will cover every aspect you wont be needing that course and so far it is turning out to be more than just management  and also of personality development class!

it is helping...just its upto the person taking those class it matters what n how seriously he takes it.

minhaj (service) (27 Points)
Replied 18 July 2011

its very good proposal for new ca's

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