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CA salary proposed 9L minimum from 2012! will it happen???

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Replied 13 June 2011

if ca salary increased it will give great satisfaction bcoz we know how much study in ca, this will be happen provided we should improve our interpersonal skill as well as thinking beyond the level. why company pay to MBA more salary bcoz they have great interpresonal skill and giving the best contribution to the company in terms of growh, profitablity and satisfaction to the customer.

we people have vast knowledge but lack of interpersonal skill, still not able to give the best contribution to the company, so we have to improve ourself and the package in terms of money will be automatically increased.

i am hereby pleased to inform you that it is a good step taken by our president for all ca student and members.


sajjan kumar singh

icwa, ca(semi), b.com(h)

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CA Saket Agarwal (CA Final ) (42 Points)
Replied 13 June 2011

Some Post going in some other direction away form the topic....... And some of them have made it personal....

KAMAL SETHI (MBA (Finance)) (226 Points)
Replied 13 June 2011

Hi, I have been reading this thread with great interest. The input provided by Mukul Mehra and then the further counter view made for interesting reading. Anyhow, I don't want to get into who is better - MBA or CA. I myself an MBA (Finance) but duly acknowledge CA requires much perseverance and lot of hard work compared to MBA.

Anyhow, During my career of approx. 10 years in Accounts & Finance , I have worked in various organisation and has observed mainly though the job is of much significance and as per me the F&A are the most important area of any organisation but the accountants and finance professionals are paid less by organisations since organisation believe that this is a non-productive job wherein a quality engineer or production engineer would be getting much better than even a CA (in some cases). And hence if the ICAI raises the bar towards minimum salary , then it would be good for our profession.

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Siddharth (Get Digital Signature Certificates (DSC) in 30 minutes! Click on send PM!)   (672 Points)
Replied 13 June 2011

Originally posted by : Priya

please post it one more time to make a more bigger impact!


LOL... Sometimes the server gets too busy and a user clicks submit multiple times and it gets posted more than once. I don't think it was posted deliberately to make impact.


Let the proposal get implemented and time will make the impact. ;)

Tejas (M.Com CA CS CFA (US) Prog. Grad..)   (354 Points)
Replied 13 June 2011

seriously looking at the kind of arguments people having here, I wonder how we call ourselves professionals whether CA MBA or whatever.

Priya you are thoroughly misinformed. Please get more information about the corporate world and then speak out.

Rahul your long post was very impressive but I beg to differ on various points.

Mukul Please dont waste your time trying to convince these people. I feel they are more stubborn than sensible. Also being an MBA you mentioned earlier about CAs not being good at GD. Now here in this virtual GD, you are yourself losing your sense and common sense and getting personal too. Your earlier posts were correct, but later on you became personal and made accusations. Please dont do that Sir

Priya (article) (503 Points)
Replied 13 June 2011

Originally posted by : Tejas

Mukul  being an MBA you mentioned earlier about CAs not being good at GD. Now here in this virtual GD, you are yourself losing your sense and common sense and getting personal too. Your earlier posts were correct, but later on you became personal and made accusations. Please dont do that Sir

thats why i try to be the bigger person and stopped commenting because although being a so called Leader / Human resource manager - aka the person who HANDLES PERSONNELS, he was himself being kiddish,let his emotions take better of him and RANTING about it instead of being at ur job in ur company  at 12 on the first working day of the week ...so i said let him complain whatever he wants.

Dear friends n respected seniors..the post has actually deviated largely from the basic point..and moreover such language as "shut up or shut your mouth" doesnt seems allright for such a platform where all of us are professionals belonging to high graded professions..CA n MBA are equally necessary when it comes to Industry..so lets not engage ourselves in accusing each other...rather its good that our insitute has decided a minimum package so that our hard work is paid atleast enough to make CA a worthy course...people definitely do get higher packages..but a minimum limit ensures that a CA starts from a point which enables him to raise his head high n say "yes i m a CA"..

CA Saket Agarwal (CA Final ) (42 Points)
Replied 13 June 2011

@ Priya My support and respect for your views....

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Replied 13 June 2011

Shini...i 100% agree with u...here at this pltform we shd not get involved into an argument ...rather we should try to appreciate the ICAI initiatives for our profession.

Again, I would like to make this platform an interactive one and not argumentative.

Thts all, I can about it. And above all, I am very glad that our institute is taking very active steps for strenghting our profession. Heads off to ICAI!!!

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vipul patel (Ahmedabad) (320 Points)
Replied 13 June 2011

if it happen than great for us

Tejas (M.Com CA CS CFA (US) Prog. Grad..)   (354 Points)
Replied 13 June 2011


The problem here is that ICAI thinks CAs are perfect and are demanding a price for them from the companies. That is not effective leadership. What Mukul said here is correct. If ICAI wants companies to pay CAs 9 lakhs they should MAKE the CAs worth that amount rather than demanding it like ransom. I don’t know who advises ICAI on such things. It implements all the wrong solutions for the problems always. Even when while dealing with dummy articleship, they completely banned transfers which was not an ideal way to stop dummy and it did not stop dummy either. So another disastrous plan by the ICAI.

The proposal will not work because Companies will simply not go to ICAI placements anymore and will hire from outside.

Anyways the ICAI placements are a mishap, on top of that if such things happen, lesser companies will come there and lesser freshers will be hired in the placements.

A persons pay is decided by what value he gives to the company, and not by how much knowledge he has crammed in his brains. If someone is worth 9 lakhs, the company will definitely pay even 12 lakhs at a premium to get it. But let it be a market thing by rating individual CAs and not some auction with a base price. It is not going to work at all

Also, I was surprised to hear that till now base price was 6 lakhs because I am very sure students have been picked up at ICAI placements for much less than that regularly in the past. So quite surprised at that news.

ICAI introduced GMCS to make CAs equal with MBAs on communication, presentation and such other skills, however it was stupid to expect a class of 50 people to learn all this in 15 days. GMCS is only for making new friends and having fun. There is hardly any value addition for anyone in 15 days. As someone mentioned here ICAI should actually train people in these qualities and then the industry will gladly pay up whatever wanted.

Efforts are definitely extreme in CA Course, but are those what the industry requires? You can hit a shovel on stone for a month but that doesn’t mean you get paid for digging a hole coz that is not what you did even though your efforts were for that aim.



@ Priya

Just some correction on your points without being rude:

1.       MBAs don’t have an enjoyable life. It is torture to do their BE then give CAT (to be selected in first 5000 out of 2.5 lakhs people which is around 2% is less than any CA result ever) and when they don’t get into a top institute, they are left to do a career as an engineer with low pay and hard life. This CAT is a do or die situation for them. They have an equally tough life too (Refer point  below for reply to Rahul regarding RISK).


2.       Average engineers don’t get 4-5 lakhs. Even top companies like Infosys pay max to max 3 to 4 lakhs for engineers from decent colleges. Factual error there.


3.       Trust me, Financial Management is something very very very few CAs understand. I am doing my CFA and I know what a joke it is in CA. Its so theoretical based on formulaes and calculations without understanding the economics behind the finance. You can talk big words like analyzing and ascertaining, but try giving an annual report to a CA student, or even someone who has qualified recently and tell him to make sense from it. He will calculate a hundred ratios, make your cash and fund flow statement, calculate NPV and IRR and so on, AND THEN WHAT??? Then sit with it. He wont be able to analyse it and make conclusions. This is a hard fact. Financial analysis CAs cannot do properly.


4.       CFO of a company is not based on his degrees. It is based on his experience and learning. Several CFOs are CAs and several are MBAs. Some are neither. Once you reach that level, no one looks at your degrees. Only thing seen is what you have achieved and learnt in your career. So don’t think only MBAs become CFO or only CA become CFO.


5.       The reason most advertisements in papers for finance positions want CA because they cannot afford top MBA inst people. And hiring some LalubhaiChand Management inst. Graduate will result in bankruptcy so they prefer CAs better than such C Grade MBAs. (Lalubhai chand is a random example, no insult intended to someone by that name actually)


6.       You may or may not accept it Priya but it is a fact that CAs are built only for accounting. They are not built for finance and I am saying this as a CA and CFA (USA) having seen both sides of the coin. BUT the main point here is WHY ARE YOU ASHAMED OF CA NOT KNOWING FINANCE? We are not SUPPOSED TO know finance. We are accounting experts and we are the best at it. That’s what it is.


7.       Mukul here is a MBA HR, he cannot be expected to sell Tomato Sauce like MBA Marketing people. Similarly CAs cannot be expected to do finance, and obviously MBAs cannot be expected to pass accounting entries. Its two different worlds and they merge only after experience and seniority in both fields, not after getting either degree.


8.       Priya last point for you. YOU HAVE BECOME WAY WAY WAY TOO PERSONAL HERE. I know Mukul was rude but you literally got personal on every single sentence. Really not something expected from a CA student.



@ Sidd

Excellent points. I appreciate your thought process and thinking. Really brilliant thinking. You talk logically and sensibly. Even without a CA degree, this is what people should have. The ability to think logically.

BTW why are you “nothing yet?” Going to give CPT or something?

@ Rahul

I did not want to compare CA to MBA and I said in the first post I wrote itself that this discussion should not go down that lane, but since you have written about it, I should correct you on some points.


1.       Adding CA as a prefix to the name is illogical and purposeless. The idea of adding Doctor was logical because it was in public interest to identify doctors for their services. By asking CAs to do so, ICAI merely bajaoed its own trumpet. Sad really. CAs may be great, but respect is not demanded, it is commanded. If people are great, they will be respected without having to show off a CA tag before their name (And yeah CS followed in its path blindly…sigh)


2.       “Say you are a CA and a warm salute will be given.”  Sorry brother, but people only respect you when either you are of use to them, or you have money. I know several CA rankers and several CA multiple attempt people working in various places. Respect is not for the rank or for the attempt or for the degree. It is only given to those who are making more money and having big cars and houses. This may be superficial and wrong on part of public, but it is true and happening in the real world.


3.       You are saying on your profile that one should look at people better than him and achieve that, and here you are saying Thank God we are not good at making presentations and speeches. Contradictory statements.


4.       Difficulty of a course is not determined whether it is at entry point or exit point. Both MBA in top institutes and CA are equally tough.


5.       RISK? As mentioned above in reply to Priya, MBA is way more risky.


6.       Appearing for all exams together: CA has 18 subjects over four years. MBA has around  20-24 in 2 years.


7.       BCom is a big joke. I am from Mumbai Univ which is apparently the 2nd best after Delhi Univ and it is such a big joke to write their BCom exam after studying for CA so I can imagine how it must be elsewhere. No student ever studies more than 15 days for the exam and doesn’t need to either coz its all covered mostly in CA.


8.       I agree with the affordable part. That is a huge advantage CA has over MBA.


9.       Remuneration cannot be fixed according to ONLY either attempts or rank because the CA exam does NOT test the qualities required for corporate success. It only tests theoretical exam based knowledge and not practical situations in most subjects. People should show their application skills of the knowledge they have and only then demand any amount whether 6, 9 or 15 lakhs.


10.   “We CA/CA Students and our instituion(ICAI) is like a family and as a father takes care of the family...in the same way our institution does....It takes a lot of good initiatives for the overall betterment of the profession”

Was the above statement supposed to be funny? ICAI has done marginally anything for students. Most students have a blind faith and adulation for ICAI as if it is doing something great. It is not. I shall write more on ICAI in some days.


11.   Rahul, after you put all the points about how CAs are better than MBAs, you conveniently declare, “I guess we don’t compare CAs and MBAs further”. So you want people to accept what you have written without any opposition or opinion. Glad to see this kind of thinking from a multiple ranker in various chartered courses.


12.   If you are talking about being unethical, yes you are right. MBAs do practice lack of ethics but I can assure you, in NO top company today is there ANYONE unethical. I don’t like to badmouth my own profession but if you look at how small time practicing CAs sign financial statements and certificates swiftly only for money without proper verification, then you can write a thesis on ethics in the CA profession.


13.   Since you are a CA you will know how effective that whole CPE hours thing is. Most CAs find it a burden without any value addition and only go to sit there and sleep in some random topic lecture only to complete the hours. Theory is very different from practical. You may make thousand policies but if you don’t monitor and see how its working, its useless.


14.   Rahul, in our somewhat successful democracy, every person has the right to their opinion whether it is respect or disrespect for any person or institution. Please don’t say things like shut up to people for voicing their opinion just because it doesn’t agree with you.


15.   GD as I said it’s a big joke among most CAs. They may know what Sec 225 of the Companies Act is in their sleep, but they don’t know how to talk on a simple topic, how to say relevant information regarding a topic, how to oppose someone’s point, how to convince people, ZERO at that.


16.   I did my articleship in a big4. There EVERYONE Is a CA. Being a CA is not something to get respect there. In my first year of articleship after my CPT, I used to teach my so called first attempt CA Assistant Manager who had done dummy basics of audit, because he had never opened a company’s trial balance or annual report in his life. And this is not a rare case. There are cases like this everywhere in abundance.


@ Mukul

You are right, Priya does not have exposure to corporate world and its working and therefore as a senior professional, it was your moral duty to guide her, instead of badmouthing and talking a little rudely.

Priya here is talking about the thousand odd random MBA colleges that have come up around the country that create MBAs like a factory. Those MBAs have degraded the true MBA degree got from top MBA institutes like IIMs or JBIMS etc. You on the other hand are talking about these top MBA graduates. Since the subject matter differed hence your opinions differed. Please talk more professionally guys, don’t get personal on each others degrees, and relax. It is a discussion not a communal riot J

Mukul bhaiyaa, what is this? How can you say this sentence? “so dont make say something which reveals the truth in front of you ” Are you blackmailing her? Very very disappointing sentence from you Sir.

Mukul you also know that apart from top companies like your own, in MOST other companies, HR means only payroll and some other timepass regular compliance like PF, ESIC etc. So only few companies place challenges like the ones you mentioned here about HRA and so on.

Similarly even in CA, there are companies who give big challenges to its CA employees and then there are companies who don’t.  That doesn’t mean CAs don’t face challenges. J

@ Ujash

Do you know what a joke the Gulf country is? People who work there for 15-16 yrs have to come here and start fresh coz there is hardly any compliance or standards there to be implemented. Only oil money and hence lots of pay also.




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Tushar (Service) (107 Points)
Replied 13 June 2011

I feel, we should not go by Salary number. How much net take home is very important. Salary package can be inflated with inclusion of various allowances.

On the lacking of GD, PI and  other softskills, I guess our insititute itself is responsible. So much volumunious syallabus then we hardly get any time for the development of other softskills. MBA curricula is designed in such a way that it will cover every aspect of polished professional though they may be lacking technical knowledge. At the same time, i acknowledge that it should not be considered as excuse for CA student.

I feel, unless and until both the ICAI and students takes steps for overall improvement, there will not be any any conclusion to debate....



RG(BCom,CA,CS,CMA,CFA,DISA,MBA (Professional) (1028 Points)
Replied 13 June 2011

Am sorry i could not post for somewhat around 20 hours and i was little bit anxious to post a comment before logging in but as soon as i opened this forum...OMG! ha ha...the people have just posted like anything! and most of them may be MBAs :D

I could not find the time to read it all . . i could not spare so much of time...for this kiddish discussion...

However, i noted one thing above said by a person that prefix CA is illogical and purposeless...Just go to ICAI and say this thing..You will be fired!!! 

Anyways i dont want to comment further or to take it personal because the person posting the above may be MBA and yeah i know you all have time to write long stories...

Plus one person said something about my profile...Yes boss...i have motivated 1000 of people by this profile in the country..if you have problem then just don't read it ! I get lots of calls from every nook and corner of the country and if i can motivate even a single person then the purpose of creating the profile is successful...

I agree with the initiative of ICAI and if someone doesnt agree its your decision!

The ICAI is not going to ask us to finalise the decisions regarding this...so dont waste your energies further...

The people who think the CAs remuneration should not be fixed...Then just please dont accept the package offered at the time of selection..Say You are 0 at GD, IP Skills and much more which you think MBAs have edge over CAs...You will feel happy...

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Tejas (M.Com CA CS CFA (US) Prog. Grad..)   (354 Points)
Replied 13 June 2011

Thanks for your contribution to this message Sir. You are right. Of course you have already given a lot of time to this discussion posting in four different font colors and three different font sizes for this "kiddish discussion", so you should not waste more time.

Getting fired by ICAI is irrelevant Sir. But thanks for the warning again. Although I so wish students could actually go to ICAI and communicate with them. But alas!

I also appreciate that you do not want to make it personal. Saying that "the person who posted above may be an MBA and that MBAs have a lot of time to write long stories" is definitely not making it personal.

Also sincerely Sir, no one has a problem with your profile. It is extremely impressive and your achievements are fantastic. The only point made is the message there and here are contradictory.

It is every persons decision whether to agree or not with ICAI proposal and that is why there is a forum here to discuss opinions of everyone.

You are right. The ICAI is not going to ask us about implementing this proposal because as always it has never involved those very people in decision making who are affected by their rules and regulations. Another pity. 

I shall remember your advice at the time of my interviews.

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