Advice for the unsuccessful candidates.

Vivek (CA ) (2368 Points)

19 July 2008  

Dear Frieds,

I cleared the CA exam after 16 years. I want to share my experience and hope that someone will learn from my mistakes.

1. You should form your own fundas and study plan according to your past experiences, mental level and endurance, study habits etc.

2. Stay away from all the extra curicular activities, which eat your time like hobbies, hanging out with friends, spending time on net, TV, Movies etc.. It is not necessary to study for 20 hours daily. You can sleep for 12 hours but don't do anything else except study or thinking about study.

3. Don't join any Full-time / part time job, any other earning activity or any other course beside CA. It will reduce your burning desire for becoming a CA. When you become a qualified CA, you will be sufficiently rewarded with great opportunities and social status, for all your pains and frustrating times.

4. Don't take article training seriouly. Remember, when you finish the course, only your degree and personality will pay you. If you can manage, buy a dummy seat. A non-qualified person earns only 1/10th of the salary offered to a fresh CA, however experienced and knowledgeable he may be.

5. If you can afford,  join a good coaching in a metro city. It will discipline your studies and force you to be regular in studies.

6. Don't miss any attempt, however badly are your studies. Sometimes the question papes and results may come better then you expected. For me the MAFA is toughest of all the papes of the course but in May'08 exam., it was the easiest in my lifetime.

7. To sum up, this line has the secret to crack the CA :

"Eat CA, Drink CA and Sleep CA"


Here are some paper wise suggestions for the CA Final Group L:

1. Adv. A/c - ICAI's study material, Past 40 exam. questions, Rawat for AS.

2. Auditing - Past 40 exam. questions, Vinod Agrawal's notes. Pay special attention to AS, AAS, Prof. Ethics etc.

3. MAFA - Paduka's Notes, Past 40 exam. questions.

4. CLSP - Bhandari's book.

General Tip : Prepare your own short notes, charts, wallpapers etc. for last minute revision.

Please feel free to ask me for any further guidance.

With best wishes for Nov. '08 exam.

Vivek Verma

Email - @