Advanced Excel Using the GkExcel Tool

Gopi Krishna (Employee) (108 Points)

24 September 2008  

Now Find the Help File on How to use the GkExcel Tool for Working Faster and Smarter.

1. Do BANK Reconciliations and any other Reconciliation in minutes using the GkPlookup & GKRlookup functions

2. Want to Filter Items with color use teh GkBgcolor & GkFGColor Function to Get the Color code and Filter using the Code you have filtered the colored items of your choice

3. Working in BPO Co ? in AP Process ? Don't know What Invoices are available in a Folder Or Want to get the Invoice file Names in Excel Use the Amazing gkFilelist Function by specifying the Path.

4. Fed Up using the Concatenate function ? try out the GkConcate Just One shot its Done

And Lots more....Have Fun