CMA Ramesh Krishnan's Expert Profile

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About me

Hi.I am Ramesh Krishnan, Associate Memeber of ICWAI & Certified Management Accountant (CMA) by IMA(USA) Working in Bangalore

Award Winner as " Most effective Expert in Caclubindia-2011"   My working style always like,

Take life always as challenge,Think positive,

Give involvement on taken task,Donot divert your concentration from the taken task,

Always target your  goals and commitment,Your future always better.  Jai hind. Thank you for visiting my profile

To reach me : cma.rameshkrishnan @  or send PM for  queries & professional help

    What kinds of questions I can and can't answer?
    Income tax,vat, excise,customs,service tax,costing ,accounts,company law,management questions and other allied laws

    My area of expertise
    Income tax,Costing,Accounts,Service tax

    My experience in the area (years):
    10 years

    Organizations I belong to:

    Publications or writing which has appeared :
    Articles in CAclubindia

    Educational credentials:

    Award & Honors:
    Got "Effective Expert Award" for 2011-12 in CA CLUBINDIA

  • CA NITU SINGH says : Can you please advice
    Hi Professional. I really need advice - My articleship started on 2012 when I was pursuing which I informed institute along with my articleship registration form then I enrolled for CS in Feb 2013 and didn't inform institute because I didn't knew about that then my ended on March 2013. My problem is I am a qualifies CA now and appearing for CS professional in June'2018 can you please let me know what is equired now in order to avoid any panelty or corrective order.

  • Anjali Pandey says : GST on online sell of oem sotware Scrap Licence
    I am online seller. I got 38rs after paying Seller fee. Product-Win10Pro OEMscrap (scrap=comes from old hardware which is no longer available to use) Bill from supplier-No bill provided by supplier to me.So I have no bill of purchase’s buy old scrap hardware(No bill).Purchase price(no bill)1500,My Selling price1700, seller fee162. Final Amount i got from 1 sell 1700-162=1538.So My P/L is 1538-1500=38.Please guide me how much i pay GST on this sell and How to calculate GST to issue GST bill

  • sandip rathod says : MOA for online grocery store
    Hi. Would you please help me to draft MOA for online grocery store like

  • slash tax says : I want to become a CMA
    Dear sir I want to become a CMA so i need guidance

  • sai chandu says : Exemptions and carry forward
    Sir, in previous attempt of CMA inter i got 3 exemptions and failed in one subject in group 1 .Can i claim 3 exemptions or 2 exemptions, if 3 exemptions then how many marks should secure in failed paper in further attempt sir. Thanking you sir

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