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How I got 81 marks in ISCA?

Shiv Prajapati , Last updated: 13 April 2020  

One may very well argue, what's the point of doing anything, which doesn't yield an outcome! However, in this world of constant disruptions and in the quest of running behind results, we often forget to express and work towards what we truly believe in. While all of us are in our houses owing to the lockdown, most of the students of the ICAI are living in this constant dilemma regarding the impact this lockdown would have on the May 2020 attempt.

Thus, in the midst of all this chaos and to keep the 'JOSH' high, I'd like to share my story, rather experience of CA Final.

The Journey from 59 marks to 81 marks in ISCA

November 2018

First Attempt: 

This being my first attempt alike every student I had also dreamed of clearing the finals in the first attempt itself but I failed with scoring 59 marks in ISCA. That day I felt what is the value of one mark. An aim of 70+ in ISCA got me 59 but it is rightly said FAIL is - First Attempt In Learning. May 2019

Second Attempt:

I cleared Group 1 but Group 2 negative with 53 marks in ISCA. That moment I felt God was playing with me. I motivated myself by saying that God has given me another chance to come back strong and achieve that aim. Self motivation, self visualization and patience are some of the most important principles of SUCCESS. November 2019 Third Attempt: Having only Group 2 to study I planned out my strategy in a way that I should achieve my aim of scoring the marks I want to see in the marksheet.

This attempt I had set an aim to score 80+. Everyday I self visualised myself holding that marksheet with 80+ marks in ISCA. Hours and days and months of hardwork, practice and patience in these three attempts finally paid off. Yess !! I cleared Group 2 with 81 marks in ISCA and 62 marks in IDT. The whole point sharing this experience is just to prove that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. I always thought that someone was just trying to be extremely philosophical when they said that, "Attitude is everything". However, after truly going through this journey of becoming a CA, I strongly believe that its true. Indeed your attitude determines on where you get in life! It's very often that life throws a fair few opportunities our way, but situations, or if I may say, our mindset often becomes a hindrance to our success.


A great attitude, coupled with the will to prove a point will always show you the right way, not only during this highly demanding time of your study leave. Hardwork never goes in vain. Dreams do come true. Don't lose hope. Have faith in yourself. What is meant to be, will happen eventually!! The golden prefix "CA" require attitude, hardwork, determination, dedication, discipline and patience. And I truly believe that each one of you has the so called 'X-Factor' to go and achieve it.


Thank you for reading !! 

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Published by

Shiv Prajapati
(Associate Chartered Accountant)
Category Exams   Report

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