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Simple 8-Step Strategy in 2023 to lead a more Secure and Stable Financial Life

CA Garima Bajpai , Last updated: 15 December 2022  

STEP 1: Set Financial Goals  

- You can't reach your goals if you don't set them.

- List down all your Financial Goals.

- Categorize them into 

  • Short Term Goals - six months to five years (plan a holiday, buy a car).
  • Mid Term Goals - five to 10 years (buy a house).
  • Long Term Goals - more than 10 years (child's education, retirement planning)

- Next, prioritize your Financial Goals: Critical, Need, or Want.

- Set a target date for your Financial Goals.

- Plan how to use your Savings and Investments to reach your Goals.

Simple 8-Step Strategy in 2023 to lead a more Secure and Stable Financial Life

You can use this Worksheet to Plan your Financial Goals

Worksheet to Plan your Financial Goals

STEP 2: Create a Budget

- Create a Budget that includes 

  • Necessities (Needs)
  • Required Expenditures 
  • Discretionary items (Wants)
  • Periodic savings necessary to finance your Goals (Savings/Investments)

- The 50/30/20 Rule provides you a Simple Framework to Create a Budget.

50/30/20 Rule

- Track your spending. 

- Compare it regularly against your budget and make changes to your spending habits where necessary.

- Review your budget regularly.

STEP 3: Secure Yourself and Your Family's Future 

- Secure Yourself and your Family's Future by Investing in Term and Health Insurance.

- Term Insurance plans offer Financial Security for the entire family in case of the policyholder's unfortunate death.

- Also, you can get optional coverage for critical illnesses or accidental death.

- Term Insurance Plans also offer affordable premiums.

- As a rule of thumb, the amount of coverage offered by a plan should be equal to 15 to 20 times your Current Annual Income.

- Also, invest in a Health Insurance to save yourself and your family against Medical Emergencies.

- But how to choose the Right Health Insurance? Make sure it provides -

  • The Right Combination of Premium and Coverage
  • Minimum Waiting Period
  • Cashless Hospitalization Benefits
  • Pre and Post Hospitalization Coverage
  • Coverage of Maternity Expenses
  • Preventive Health Check-up Facility
  • High Claim Ratio
  • Smooth Settlement Process

Step 4: Build an Emergency Fund

- An Emergency Fund is a key component of any good financial plan.

- Think of it as a shock absorber for the bumps of life.

- The Rule of Thumb is that you need to keep between 6 and 9 months' worth of Household Expenses in your Emergency Fund.

- When building an Emergency Fund, choose such Investments that are 

  • Easily Accessible
  • Highly Liquid
  • Safe against Market Fluctuations
  • Earn higher Returns on your Savings

- Savings accounts with sweep-in facility, Short-term FDs, and Liquid mutual funds are some options.

Savings accounts with sweep-in facility


STEP 5: Manage Your Debt

- Make a list of all your outstanding debts, along with their tenor, and rate of interest.

- If you have multiple high-interest loans, look for opportunities to consolidate them.

- Once you've consolidated, determine how much you have to pay each month by noting the minimum payments and put the total into your budget.

- Build a debt management strategy.

- Minimize the use of credit cards to avoid High Interests and Fees.

STEP 6: Put your Finances on Autopilot

- Put money in your Savings Account using direct deposit so that you don't spend it.

- Make sure regular contributions make it into Retirement Account, Emergency Funds, and other Investing Accounts.

- Use autopay to manage and pay recurring bills like mortgage, loan payments, insurance premiums, etc.

- Use a Money Management Application to help track payments and other expenditures.

STEP 7: Maintain a Steady Lifestyle

- Spending does not have to grow at the same rate as income.

- Growth in income can increase savings and investment accounts.

- Keeping expenditures relatively constant over time is a key method in achieving a secure financial future

STEP 8: Invest Wisely

- Establish a Low-cost, well-diversified portfolio that's appropriate to achieve both Short and Long-term goals.

- If you are new to Equity Market, start with a Monthly SIP in Index Funds/ETFs.

- Obtain Knowledge and Advice before moving to Actively Managed Funds and Direct Equity.

- Refer to the following Infographic to understand the benefit of Index Funds 

Benefit of Index Funds

- Don't Put All your Eggs in One Basket. 

- Diversify your Portfolio according to your Risk Appetite and your Understanding of the Asset class.

- Benefits of Portfolio Diversification 

Benefits of Portfolio Diversification

- Where appropriate, think long-term and don't be overly focused on the short-term performance of your investments. 

- Stick to your investment plan and review your portfolio periodically to stay on track.

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Published by

CA Garima Bajpai
(Chartered Accountant)
Category Others   Report

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