One Life. Many Struggles

CA. Atul Khurana , Last updated: 28 February 2017  

A lot of people already predicted that this article is related to their own lives because they can easily relate themselves with the word in heading above "Struggles."

Actually, the reason behind writing this article is just to pen down my own view on this word because I am suffering with this word too.

Yesterday, I was talking to my friend and was telling her about my family, and then suddenly I told her "I lived a life full of struggles till now". But after sometime a lot of thoughts stroked to my mind related to me and my family's past life, our struggles, our sacrifices, lots of compromises and I know I am not the single one dealing with all of these issues.

When I was 3 years old, Irrespective of the circumstances/situations of their life, my parents sent me to the best school of my city, they never let me realized that they are in problem or they are facing difficulties even till now. Earning Rs. 100 in a day was a big question in front of my father those days and I don't know how he managed to pay for everything.

It was a time, when I was getting matured and this is a fact, a person who is observing a lot of problems /tensions in his family gets matured early than others and the same happened with me. By the time, I was in 6th standard, I was fully aware of what to demand from my parents and what to not. My father never said No to me for anything but I know he was making my life easy by making his life difficult.

Because, they never told me anything, I decided to help them indirectly. And here the journey of compromises of my life took a start. Now I don't think there is a need to explain those here because 99% of those who are reading this article are belonging to my category only.

Now the question is, why this all is happening with us?

Why we have to think a lot before taking each and every small decision?

And at this point of life, a lot of people gives up, especially the one belonging to this field and suffering from number of attempts, who wants to support their families.

A course like CA is burning their desires day and night and we openly accept we are not so intelligent; we are average students who are pursuing this course just to fulfil the desires of our parents. But DESTINY is not allowing us to proceed further.

Now, the question comes to the destiny, what is it? Where Is it? Is it really affecting our lives?

Well, I don't know about this and don't even want to know because if it is proved that Destiny exists, then the hard work will disappear from this planet and this will make our life more difficult. People will only and only rely on destiny's gift.

Now let me tell you, how this will make our life difficult.

Just observe your past for a while and try to think about the amount of hard work you and your parents did since your childhood to achieve each and everything. You can't even imagine that.

Yes, you have achieved everything on the cost of your hardwork, struggles, sacrifices and lot of compromises. Don't you think, you are not an ordinary person?

Well I think, you are not. Because after facing lot of difficulties, we completed our schooling and then we were having an option to opt for other options like government exams and to become a government servant which is not as much difficult as doing this course. But we opted for hard work again because the fire of achieving everything only on the basis of hard work was running in our bloods which we never ever noticed. Now we want recognition in the society for our hard work.

Do you want to know about yourself?

Okay. Do one thing today, just ask any of your cousin or close friend to give you Rs. 500, and read it carefully, I haven't mentioned the word "Lend" because you have to ask for the money which you need not pay him back.

I am 100% sure friend, you can't even spend Rs. 10 from that 500 rupees because you will be well aware of this thing that you got this money without any efforts & without any hard work. And this is your uniqueness. You are habitual of doing hard work and that is the greatest thing about you.

This is what your struggles gave you, you are different from others, your efficiency level is much higher than others. You want to achieve a lot only with your hard work.

Now, you might be thinking that if you have so much potential in you then why are you not able to clear your exams?

I have the answer to this question. Just have a look at your failures. What are you getting in return. Let me tell you. These failures are the test of your potential. Don't compare your life with any of your friend. Everyone has to deal with his own life. You know, after every failure, you hurt yourself mentally which is somewhere necessary to some extent and in the exact words it is called as Introspection stage. This stage helps you to work even more harder, and this is pretty much sure that you will succeed one day.

Remember, Failing at the age of 35 or more in the work industry is more difficult to handle because at that time your whole family will suffer because of that. I am not saying, after failing here you will never fail at that age. That could happen again but at that time you will be one man army in yourself in dealing with that failures. Experience matters a lot. Your failure at that time will not let you and your family suffer.

Now what is the difference in your life and others? See, you know the worth of your hard work and you will be very much clear in your thoughts that without doing hard work you can't achieve further heights in your life. At that time the life will be different and somewhat easy as you will be rewarded for your work but I know, your habit of working hard will not let you to fix yourself at one position. You will work hard without any fear of failure because you are expert in handling failures and yes you will be at the top.

Now just think what will the consequences of stopping yourself today? If you are making your mind of discontinuing this course then life will be more difficult tomorrow as compared to these small failures. Becoming the professional at the age of 21 or 25 or 28 is not the competition here, just make sure you have to go at the other side of this sea. May be have decided to go for other options but remember the whole life you will be disturbed with just one thought "why didn't I went for 1 more attempt?"

God is preparing you for the best. Don't stop yourself.

All the Best!!

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Published by

CA. Atul Khurana
(Chartered Accountant)
Category Students   Report

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