Itinerary for CA course

Amitav , Last updated: 14 December 2016  

CA is one of the most respected courses in all over World. It’s very high privilege to be part of the CA fraternity. The journey to CA is quite interesting with full of excitement at each stage (Inter, Final, Article ship, GMCS, etc.). There is no shortcut to success, neither to CA. The hard and smart work with consistency and proper plan will make the journey even more interesting. We need to devote fully to this course to get this highly recognized degree. The below-mentioned points can be taken care during this journey.

Physical Exercise:

During preparation of exam and exam, mostly all people sit for 6 to 14 hours daily. Physical exercise and yoga for at least 15 to 20 minutes daily will help us to keep active.

Healthy Food and Sound Sleep:

Having Healthy food and have proper sleep is the most important aspect to keep ourselves active and healthy. Healthy food is what our body wants to keep us active. We are our own Doctor. Our food, sleep and thought are the reflection of us. Even though some believes 7 to 8 hours sleep is required per day, our body wants Quality sleep. The idea is our body and mind should get proper rest and get energized and rejuvenated.


Relaxation is to mind is very much important throughout our life. During preparation of exam, our mind should be relaxed to get positive results from study. So do something by which we will feel relaxed. It may be listening music, listening instrumental music, meditation, etc. As per our ancient beliefs and as per science Yoga and Meditation plays a great role for relaxation. This will bring the positive vibration which helps a lot for preparation of exam and during exam. We can invest 10 to 15 minutes daily from our valuable time to be relaxed mentally.

Social Media:

Now a day’s Social media plays a great role in all of our life. Without social media, people thinks life is not possible. All people get addicted to so call Social media like FB, Twitter, Whatsapp, Instagram, etc. To achieve the goal, it’s recommended to be completely or a little away from the social media during preparation and during exam. The social media should be under our control and it should not affect negatively to our career.

Work Experience:

The Articleship is the best gift for CA students by ICAI. During this we can learn Accounting, Costing, Taxation, Audit, Law, IT, etc from the practical perspective. Within this limited time of Articleship duration the students can have huge experience with from industry like sole proprietorship, HUF, Partnership Firm, Pvt Company and Public Company, Manufacturing Unit, Service Sector, Govt Unit, etc. While very few students feel that this is the most difficult part of the study as we need to study for exam while working, the reality is we can feel the benefit during study or post qualification. So we need to utilize this time very carefully.

Group or Self Study:

Different people have different view. Both Group study and self-study have own pros and cons. We can clear most of our doubt in group study, which is most important while we can study well with focus and without any external disturbance while doing self-study. It’s we who needs to decide when to go for group study and when to do self-study. It should fulfil our requirement to achieve our goals.

Best Time For Study:

Some people advises that early morning study is most efficient as compared  to other time Some believes that day time study is more beneficial as compared to late night study. And some people believe that late night study is more beneficial as there are no disturbances in night. Both have pros and cons of its own. It's up to us, who know what suits us the best. Thing is we should feel happy and it should beneficial to us. At the same time we should not be habituated to sleep in day time and study in night time, as it may lead to health issues during exam, as during exam, student has to appear exam in day time.

Both or Single Group: 

This is the most difficult questions we ever ask for appearing exam. If anyone is appearing and writing single group, then he is keeping away from himself from rank holder. Rank plays a very important role in career. However, in reality everyone cannot plan and get rank. In those cases, we should decide which is best for us and which is within our limit. The target is to pass the exam. After getting degree, with our valuable work experience and positive attitude we can achieve our goal in our career, no matters what!

Hard Work and Smart Study With Consistency Study:

Hard work never fails in long terms. They get their positive results. There is no need to worry about failure. Failure brings us experience to plan in a better way for next time. We need to find ourselves what are the areas to improve and to be taken care. So many people give free advices. However, we need to plan and execute which will suit us. We need to Read, write, Practice, Revise very well. We need to be consistence in our effort. Do better than yesterday to get the best future. And never quit. It’s better to delay than never to get the degree.

Study Material:

Currently, large numbers of publishers are there for each subject with latest updates with their publication. Most of are very high with their standard of publication and content.  So it’s very difficult to tell which book is best to refer for exam preparation. It’s personal choice to refer any book from any publisher. However, the student should follow mainly Institute’s publication- All Study material, Practice Manual, RTP, Supplementary notes. ICAI publishes one of the best books for each paper. We should be updated themselves by visiting the ICAI website at regular interval.

Time for Revision:

How much time it takes to revise the subject. It varies from person to person. However, the strategy is we should be able to revise the paper during exam gap days or time.

We need to plan our journey properly; step by step to achieve our goal in life; both personally and professionally. Plan and Achieve the Goal. No matter what comes on the way; failure or success, we need to move on in this beautiful life. Don’t compare with others. Do better than yesterday. Enjoy the journey!

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(Chartered Accountant)
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