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Living a healthy CA life

Member (Account Deleted) Guest , Last updated: 24 March 2010  

Being healthy and active can help give you the energy to keep up with the requirements of your busy article ship life.
Taking better care of yourself, and be there for the people who depend on you is very important.
You may improve your health by one easy and effective manner that will help you stay fit, vigorous and active.
Most importantly it won’t disrupt your article ship period and won’t even waste any time.
The very simple system recommended by all experts worldwide. Unfortunately, many still prefer fitness centre’s, gyms and harm the body adding more to health disorders. Very few people understand and sadly realize it later, that fitness centre’s made them look strong at young but within they weakened them by pains at latter stage of their life.
 The system that we are going to understand is termed as - Move More and Eat Better!
The system will keep you not only fit at young but keep you young within through out your life.
Herewith we will discuss interesting tips and facts that form the base for “Move More and Eat Better!” that will help you get moving and eat well even when your life is busy.
Move more does not simply mean moving your body or undergoing physical movements. It also means moving ahead in usual ordinary life style. Adapting new activities and changes in attitude that help move your life to a healthy successful road. As such it is important to always “Move more” than “Ask more” to live a satisfied and healthy life. What is more important to ask for than a healthy future?
Let’s begin to “Move More and Eat Better”
  1. Why Move More and Eat Better? – Being active and making healthy food choices is very important for this system to work for your health. But that is not the only reason to move more and eat better.
You can:
  1. Have more energy and less stress.
  2. Feel better about yourself.
  3. Nature your body
  4. Look better in your clothes.
  5. Set a good example for your principal, family and your friends.
  6. Avoid heart diseases at later stages
  7. Avoid High blood pressure and certain forms of cancer
Your Principal can be great source of motivation and support as you take on a healthier lifestyle. May be your Principal (under whom you are undergoing training) have possible health problems and due to busy lifestyle he obviously doesn’t take notice of it (or follows his own way, namely, practicing yoga, etc.). Ask him to join you in healthy techniques (or share with you his personal experience regarding effective ways that benefit both) since these activities are important for him too. By making healthy choices together by inviting more support, it may seem easier to follow the system in your office environment. Even your family and friends can join in, needless to say are always willing.
  1. Begin by Moving More – Try to do at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity (like brisk walking) on most days of the week. It is not as hard as you may think, and you do not have to do the whole 30 minutes at one time.
Effective ideas
  1. Swap office positions
  2. Practice self-help by searching files and papers which help move your idle muscles
  3. Keep smiling and share good laugh with everyone
  4. Practice writing rather taking Xerox for small details
  5. Get off the bus or station one stop early and walk the rest of the way
  6. Take the stairs instead of the elevator
  7. Walk and talk with a friend at lunch.
  8. Put more energy into article ship work.
  9. Lift weights
  10. Learn a relaxing Yoga move. As much as we hear the word "relaxation," few people know how to actually achieve it (Sadly, watching TV doesn't count). Get knowledge of effective yoga moves from yoga expert that are effective and less time consuming.
  1. Pamper your “Interests” – It is fun to be silly and pamper your inner child. Yes, absolutely there is nothing wrong or immature for having such attitude. IT’S YOUR LIFE. Do you need something to realize it?
If yes, than enjoy extra or add some zeal in your CA Life apart from being too faithful with your books.
  1. Do things you enjoy, like walking, dancing, joking, laughing, swimming, or playing sports.
  2. Start dating and ride the road of tender business of romance that make you happy apart from normal hectic work engagements (Importantly, don’t build expectations, even if you meet failures, just chill and keep your heart happy)
  3. Spend time with little kids (adolescents) as kids are best source for instant positive energy.
  4. Shout it Loud! (SIL) Yes, unlike Laugh Out Loud (LOL) even shouting adds a healthy boost which very few practice. Experts have supported medium yet clean shouts (not beyond normalcy) for throwing any tension or stress that has stuck as mind block or unbearable memory instantly. It makes you more strong hearted to tackle negative emotions.
  5. Mirror interviews – It means meeting yourself daily face-to-face and start discussing about daily happenings, notice a change in your looks, appearance, anything you like to speak. As such, it will help you love your self more rather getting influenced by others who either make a mockery of your looks, work or attitude. With this method you develop a talking system with your own self, good or bad, it is always between BOTH OF YOU’S. It works well with those who after hours of work or study need someone to talk, and loose out stress.
  6. Watch CARTOONS. Enough said!.. J
  7. Make new associations and friends as you will get to speak and discover new things from understanding and working with them. Office colleagues, clients, social networking, etc. are best source.
  8. Simplicity is the best free publicity that everyone must have as it helps to keep your life easy thus healthy.
  9. Join laughter clubs and listen music.
  10. Drink water at regular intervals
  11. Avoid use of mobiles and prefer face-to-face meetings as and when possible.
  12. Avoid alcohol or smoking, not only it harms your body but it also makes other innocent victims.
  13. Try to HELP everyone in best possible manner.
  14. Visit holy places and arrange one-day picnics or outings to break free.
  1. Eat better - It may be hard to eat healthy (outside) if you do not have that much time or your colleagues’ wants are different and more leaning to fast food. Try these tips to eat better and save time.
  1. Eat breakfast every day. Try a whole-grain cereal like raisin fiber with fat-free or low-fat which will reduce your morning at least from having outside food. In addition, have milk, or whole-wheat toast spread with jam. Enjoy some fruit with your breakfast too.
  2.  Try a peanut butter (spread thin) and jam or preserves sandwich instead of a burger and fries. 
  3. Choose fat-free or low-fat milk, yogurt, and cheese instead of full-fat dairy products.
  4. Choose whole-grain foods like whole-wheat bread, oatmeal, brown rice
  5. During Office lunch substitute outside food by fruits like bananas, apple, tomatoes or cucumber that are easily available.
  6. Have peanuts (or chana) too which are again an easy source
  7. Choose foods that are rich in fiber, such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.
  8. Try to choose foods with little or no added sugar (like low-sugar cereals).
  9. Choose foods that are high in calcium.
  10. Choose a salad or a grilled sandwich (not fried) instead of a burger at fast food restaurants.
  11. If you really want a burger, make it a small one without sauce. Skip the fries or share them with a friend (you can even share that bill to feel healthy..*LoL*)
  12. Take healthy snacks with you to work and Balance your meals throughout the day
  13. Juices are best liquids to energize.
  14. Avoid coke or soft drinks.
  15. Eating foods that are in season is a great way to get more in tune with nature — a connection that helps lower stress levels and promotes feelings of well being.
  1. Implement it – Set goals. Move at your own pace. Celebrate your successes. Allow for setbacks. Let your family and friends help you. And keep trying—you can do it! You can talk about health tips and discuss with your colleagues to add more fun in practicing them. Share with everyone to keep you stick to it. It will help you realize that people are actually benefitting from it and you are not alone, just the way, I am sharing with you. The main goal in every student’s life is to reach that professional pinnacle but even more important is to enjoy the fruits for entire life time in a healthy and happy shape that the success offers you.
Your focus should be to become a hale and hearty CA.
Work hard, Keep smiling and understand your health as it is precious and don’t worry about the rest because All Izz Well, if you are Well!
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Member (Account Deleted)
(Student CA Final )
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