L00king Behind (Part Fiction) : (Episode 4)

CA. Dashrath Maheshwari , Last updated: 25 June 2010  

LΩΩking Behind (Part Fiction) : (Episode 4)

Lets take a lesson from CAs life


In continuation of Episode - 1 ,  Episode - 2 and  Episode - 3 of the same.


After 5 days, on one Friday, his boss has got a call from the CFO of ADC to ask about Maheshs appointment letter etc. and to continue conversation asked feedback on Maheshs performance.


Mahesh was a versatile, multi-skill, chartered accountant and has got a good reputation there, he has done long pending party reconciliations, bank reconciliations and also designed some inter office communication forms, POs and Bill passing advices. He has also done his given job in proper time and manner. He has also suggested some ways to save the cost and time of the company.


After getting feedback from WPCs Management, ADC has decided to get him back and called to Mahesh and said that he has an offer letter from ADC so cannot work for WPC, he should report on Monday to get his appointment letter. Now Mahesh is working for ADC and in last 3 years he has worked hard to get the present position. He is now getting 9.2 Lacks per annum but it looks that the sky is the limit for him.


Krish is still working at the same position but getting 15K per month and Gyanesh is also with same company and getting 6 lacks per annum.


Now the Mahesh has got some mental satisfaction and looking behind to see the path he cleared to reach this mile stone in the way to journey for goal achievement.

Naturally, there were situations and circumstances, that forced him go got that way but he has decided to help CA students and guide them to reach at higher level with the other way. Now he is helping

This was the story of three friends, who were different type of CA Students and has different stars. The story of the Gyanesh and Krish is included to say that, they were not the less in mind and in fact Gyanesh is too intelligent then Mahesh but in life, its all depends on opportunity and your timings to get that.


Lessons could be:

  1. There is always a luck-factor but we should not accept the badluck blindly.
  2. Working hard pays always, sometimes early, sometimes late.
  3. No one is less important and no one is without mind.
  4. Never do the wrong things Krish, Gyanesh and/or Mahesh has done.
  5. Dont give-up, there is a better time in future but you have to work hard to get it.
  6. Studying while Working or working while studying, suffers each other.
  7. If you can, work hard to get the degree in very first attempt, after that you will never get that much of time for examinations.
  8. There may be circumstances, you could not able to through the first attempt, take a lesson from failure and MIND the critics to you and WISHES to your friend who got cleared, I said MIND IT.
  9. You have chose Hindi or English, it doesnt matter after your joining, but your work, attitude, intelligence and skills matters a lot.



The story is based on a study of few CA Articles. All the names and circumstances are fictitious and do not have any relation with anybody.


In case any name or circumstance found similar to your situation, its just a co-incidence and author does not take any responsibility of the same.


Thank Note and Request for Comments:

Dear readers, Thanks for reading the brief autobiography of Mahesh. Now I would like to get the eruditions from the story, so I request all of you to write atleast one word in the comment box given below.


I need your inputs, comments, critics, feedback, questions, thank-notes and remarks on the above story with its earlier parts (Link given above).


Thanking you,

Dashrath Maheshwari

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Published by

CA. Dashrath Maheshwari
Category Career   Report



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