Income Tax Department's Eye on High-Value Credit Card Transactions

Sahil Jaiswal , Last updated: 27 September 2024  

The Income Tax Department of India has been increasingly monitoring high-value credit card transactions as part of its efforts to curb tax evasion and ensure better tax compliance. Here's how this works:

Reporting of High-Value Transactions

Credit card companies and banks are required to report certain types of high-value transactions to the Income Tax Department under the Statement of Financial Transactions (SFT) rules. The threshold for reporting is set at ₹10 lakh (₹1 million) in a financial year for credit card payments. This means that if a taxpayer spends ₹10 lakh or more using their credit card, the transaction is reported to the tax authorities.

Income Tax Department s Eye on High-Value Credit Card Transactions

Scrutiny of Spending Patterns

The department scrutinizes such high-value credit card transactions to detect any discrepancy between a taxpayer's spending and their reported income. For example, if someone is spending a lot on luxury items or travel but declaring a modest income, it may trigger scrutiny.

Notices to Non-Filers and Under-Reporters

If discrepancies are found, the department may send notices to taxpayers who either do not file returns or under-report their income. This can happen if the credit card spending seems disproportionate to the income declared in tax returns.


TDS and PAN Requirements

For large credit card payments, banks and credit card issuers may require you to furnish your Permanent Account Number (PAN). Also, high-value cash payments towards credit card bills exceeding ₹1 lakh must be reported.


Big Data and AI Surveillance

The Income Tax Department uses advanced data analytics, including Big Data and AI, to analyze high-value transactions across various sectors, including credit card transactions. This helps them in detecting anomalies and potential cases of tax evasion more effectively.

Voluntary Disclosure and Taxpayer Compliance

To avoid issues, taxpayers are encouraged to ensure that their credit card spending aligns with their declared income and to file accurate returns on time. Discrepancies may result in penalties, interest, and even prosecution in extreme cases of evasion.

These measures are part of the government's broader initiative to ensure transparency and curb black money circulation. Therefore, it’s important for credit card users to keep a record of their transactions and ensure that their tax returns reflect their true income and expenditure.

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Published by

Sahil Jaiswal
(Article Assistant)
Category Income Tax   Report

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