I Can - I Will

Gaurav Arya , Last updated: 27 January 2016  

If you think, you can, than you can, otherwise you cannot!!!

Common answers from the mouth of CA students on result day are Fail, Negative, Sorry, Cannot do it, Can’t make up etc. What happened actually? Lot of negativity all around. Only 5% results of CA Final sounds poor performance of students or anything else. Anyway we will not discuss the picture behind the poor results, but will focus on performance of my great friends.

From my experience and interaction with students, I compile down some tips which should be considered for preparation and attempting of exams:-

1. If handwriting is poor, Khula Khula Likho.

2. Always give examples.

3. Always conclude the answers.

4. Content of the answer should be in this sequence – Facts - Section/Provision - Caselaws - examples – conclusion - assumptions.

5. Write answers in precise manner means Point to Point. Don't overload answers with excess material.

6. Always tick at front page of answer-sheet questions attempted.

7. Always attempt fresh question from fresh page.

8. Practice, Practice and more Practice is the key of success. While revise the course, make a habit to solve answers by your hand.  Don’t do audit, do book keeping first. This will help you. Compare and analyse it with actual answers. You will know what to improve and how to improve. There is very good advertisement of Bournvita in which the boy said – “Mummy kehti hain jitni galti karni hain practice main kar lo, varna tu kahan jaane waala hain, abhi toh puri raat baaki hain“.

(Link of Bournvita Advertisement - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kaGuTt8Cc44)

Do mistakes in practice, learn from them, improve them and give your best shot in exams.

1. Point your all mistakes in front of questions in the book. At the time of second revision, map your performance.

2. Answer-Sheets

Those who are not able to make it after so many attempts and those who are quite confident that they could clear the exams but couldn’t clear it, my advise it to get your answer-sheets from ICAI. Check your mistakes and learn from them. My experience said we have written something else, but thinking something else. This gap will clear once you answer-sheet in your hand, one can analyse and understand his/her mistakes and improve them.

1. Atleast solve answers by your hand of:-

  • Past 10 attempts questions papers
  • Revision Test Papers of last three years
  • Practice Manuals
  • ICAI Modules

2. Must go for mock tests conducted by ICAI or any premier coaching institutes. Check your performance and keep on improving it.

3. Group or Groups

I have been asked by so many students the below questions about appearance for single group or both groups

a. I appeared first time with both groups and next time with single group and this will be my third attempt. What should I do? Should I appear for both groups or single group

b. I am not quite confident whether I should be going for either both group or single group because I failed in earlier two attempts while appearing for both groups.

c. I am confused – First Group or Second Group or Both.

My replies to the above questions are that you are the creator of your destiny. I can only guide you and motivate you, but ultimately you have to do it.

Friends don’t lose heart, attempting one or both groups totally depend on your capabilities and preparation level. My tips for deciding for attempt group or groups are as below:-

a. It must be your own decision, infact well think and well analyzed decision. Check your last attempt performance and point out the mistakes you did. Whether you have enough time to improve the mistakes, if yes than take decision for both groups accordingly. General common mistakes – Less Practice, Imbalance between all four subjects, Imbalance between both groups, Take subjects lightly, half heartedly preparation, poor time management etc.

b. Check your course content and match with your capabilities & time availability. If there is matching go for it, otherwise take decision accordingly.

c. Attempting and passing both groups are not less than conquering any territory. And to win any battle one must have proper training, strategy and weapons for it. For CA Finals training means revision, strategy means revision & exam plans and weapons means the skill, capabilities & confidence you have to give your level best.

d. Decision Table for appearance in group or groups.

Last Attempt

Formulas for sure shot success

Single Group with whole heartedly preparation

Lack of Practice

Over Confidence

Poor Time Management

Stress and Pressures

And so many other reasons

Raambaan Cure - Practice

Past 10 attempts questions papers

Revision Test Papers of last three years

Practice Manuals

ICAI Modules

Time Management

Must frame a time table subject wise and revise accordingly. Keep on modifying timetable depends on your capability and time availability. Do target based study. Give target to yourself and must achieve them.

Stress and Pressures

CA Finals is very easy but bulky and technical. It needs time. Give it proper time. Avoid social networking sites like facebook, watsapp atleast for preparation and exam period. Do some meditation and yoga to release mentally pressure.

Over Confidence

Whatever you study is always less in CA finals. So be enough confident, don’t be enough confident. Don’t compare your preparation with your fellow friends preparation.

Its depends on three factors

Your last attempt performance

Your preparation level in other group

Availability of time

If answer to above three questions is positive, go for both group, otherwise go for single group.

Both Group with whole heartedly preparation

“I don’t Know”

It depends on two factors: -

Last attempt performance

Time availability

Check answers and go accordingly

Both Group with single group preparation

That’s not a good practice. Must have a well and predetermined plan and work in accordance of it. If you put your different leg on different boat, much more chances are that you sink

Same as above of first point

Both Group with single group preparation and half heartedly prepration of other group

Again same mistake. Its better to prepare for victory in single group

Same as above of first point

I would like to conclude my tips with these words

Kaun kehta hain aasman main ched nhi hota,
Ek pathar to tabiyat se uchhalo yaaron”

Hope I am able to guide my dearest brothers and sisters and they will follow the right path and top the charts.

(Read my article – ‘I will Pass’ published in caclubindia.com on 27th July,2015 for more tips)

Gaurav Arya
Chartered Accountant
Email-id: gaaurav.champion@gmail.com
Facebook: gaurav.krazzy@rediffmail.com


Views expressed in the above article are personal in nature. These are based on my experience, knowledge, failures and understanding. Reader’s views may be different and suggestions are welcome.

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Gaurav Arya
Category Exams   Report

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