I will pass

Gaurav Arya , Last updated: 27 July 2015  

Recent results of CA Finals shattered the dreams of so many students on the ground. Mere 8.26% results of both groups depict so many things. Whether result was moderated, students have not done thorough study, lack of conceptual clarity, lack of practical approach and many other reasons for the poor results.  Inspite of so many reasons I observed some things needs to be strengthened and must be addressed from ICAI part and student part as well.

Through my experience, judgment, intellect and interaction, I have strongly observed the following areas that need to be looked and improved at seriously.

  1. Sheep Race
  2. Lack of Patience
  3. Coaching Classes dependency
  4. Study Aspects
  5. Life Style

Sheep Race

Always take decision from your own conscience. I never understand why people follow others, why don’t they make their own way. I saw so many students appeared in exams because his/her friends are appearing for the same. You are following him, but what about your preparation level, have you compared it. He is appearing because he has prepared all subjects very well. But the thought in your mind that he will become CA earlier than me is the biggest reason of your not becoming CA. Remember energy and passion you have in your first attempt is much bigger than any attempt. But the sheep race takes you to the backfoot.

My sincere advice to my younger brothers and sisters is that instead of following others make your own way. Every person has its different preparation level. Decision for appearing in exams is totally depends on your preparation, circumstances, strategy etc.  I must say don’t become football of in foot of others, don’t let anybody to play with you. Don’t be part of sheep race.

Lack of patience

List of thoughts of students regarding exams shows lack of patience.

i. I have prepared well for one group, but my preparation level of other group is not up-to the mark but I will appear for both groups because I may cleared both the groups.

ii. However my preparation is not so good but I am appearing for exams because I am excepting exemption in particular subject/s.

iii. I  am appearing for both groups inspite of not so good preparation of one group because there are the cases of set-off and totaling of both groups come/exceeds to aggregate and I will pass.

iv. It is my first attempt and I want to grasp the opportunity of becoming CA at very first shot because MNCs, BIG4’s give preference to first attempt cleared candidates.

v. All my colleagues are appearing this time so I decided to go for it because I don’t want to be last in race.

vi. As I have taken coaching on all subjects, I have comparatively good chances to qualify.

Above listed reasons are famous one, but yes there are other silly reasons too. Listed reasons show the level of misguidance and lack of patience level among the youths.

If you are not prepared for any particular group, but still you appears for both groups, how can you expect the set off. Are you expecting 40+ in every subject of less prepared group where getting 40+ in well prepared group is very hard and tough.

Friends CA final is not a practice match, it is quiet surprising that students are appearing in exams to get exemption in particular subjects however they know in advance that they will not able to clear the group. Why not thinking of appear in next attempt with 60+ target in every subject, you might get rank.

There is myth that Big4’s, MNCs etc. give preference to first attempt cleared students, my experience says that they give preference to knowledgeable and professionally sound candidates. They have very unique hiring process, they checked the candidates on various attributes like technical knowledge, communication skills, adaptability, personality etc.

To win the race you require hardwork and patience, not first attempt. See yourself, not others.

Sir, coaching institutes are launching pads, but ultimately you have to launch yourself. My words are enough to understand you to role of coaching and self study.

Friends make a rule in life that there is nothing between 0% and 100%, give your 100% to everything in life. Don’t appear in exams, unless and until your preparation level is more than 100%. Remove the word half heartedly from your dictionary. Do everything whole heartedly in full fledge manner. I personally feel that there should be counseling programmes by ICAI to guide students towards right direction.

Coaching Class Dependency

As discussed earlier, coaching classes are only launching pads but depending too much on these can be a curse for you. Swami Vivekanand Says “You are creator of your own destiny”. So how these helping hands can create the destiny. Also see institute practice manuals, modules, scanners, past year exam papers etc. along with your coaching notes. I really wondered when I saw students are taking coaching of all subjects. How they take it. Coaching is meant for students who don’t have time for study because they are undergoing through hardcore and rigorous articleship trainings. Develop a habit of self-study and self answering. Always see course content of subject before deciding to join any coaching class.

Students often waste time by joining amendment classes of taxation subjects. Amendments are readily available in market and on Internet.

Join mock tests of reputed coaching institutes, these will definitely helps you.

Study Aspects

For sure shot success, follow these points: -

i. Atleast write answers of questions of last ten attempts question papers and last six attempts ICAI’s Revision Test Papers. Don’t audit the questions, solve every question from your hand and compare with suggested answers, you will know where you are lacking. Reconcile the differences and keep on improving the solutions/answers.

ii. Point out your all mistakes on paper, and check the status of your improvement on weekly basis.

iii. Appear for mock tests of ICAI or premier coaching institutes and check your performance or you can do it in home by attempting any of the question paper / RTP of any last attempt. You have to put yourself in real exam situation and must adhere to time limit of three hours. Trying to get evaluate the answer sheet from any senior and get the genuine feedback and suggestions for improvement.

iv. Recall applicable amendments of taxation and focus on practical questions and answers. Study provisions and rules from practical point of view. Check the latest famous case laws and remember the facts and decision of the case.

v. Practice, Practice and more Practice is the key of success. Don’t do audit, do book keeping.

vi. Work on your presentation, assumptions and conclusions. Make a habit of comparing presentation as well.  

vii. Trying to reflect the experience of your articleship training in answersheet.

viii. In paper like ISCA, Practice Module of ICAI is Bible. Atleast read three times the bible. Work on your answers, trying to recall the points with content.

ix. Always trying to get in to the shoes of ICAI/Examiner. Give him what he wants; he will give you what you want.

x. Do target based study. Give target to yourself and must achieve them.

Life Style


In the era of technology, youths are equipped with modern gadgets like smart phones, laptops etc. What is necessary – Balance. I must say keep yourself away from social media, entertainment, mobile phone etc.  in preparation days. Don’t allow Watsapp and facebook to be stronger than your dreams. 


Don’t discuss your preparation level with your friends, it only de-motivate you.

Stress Buster

Do some meditation and yoga on daily basis to keep you cool and calm in preparation days. Sudarshan Kirya of Art of Living is preferable.

Input-Output hours Ratio

Keep on improving the time put-in to time utilization ratio. How many hours study is depends on the time availability and your capacity? If you have three months time, 14-16 hours Input with 12-14 hours output is recommended. Yoga and Meditation will help to improve the concentration and input-output hours ratio

Hope I am able to guide my dearest brothers and sisters and they will follow the right path and top the charts.

Gaurav Arya
Chartered Accountant
Email-id – gaaurav.champion@gmail.com
Facebook: - gaurav.krazzy@rediffmail.com


Views expressed in the above article are personal in nature. These are based on my experience, knowledge, failures and understanding. Reader’s views may be different and suggestions are welcome. 

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Gaurav Arya
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