CPT- Can Pass Through! :)

Priyavarshini Jagannathan , Last updated: 13 August 2012  

*Tring Tring Tring Tring*

"Hey 1147/1200. Gethhhh dii" is the EPIC NEWS if my Life which I got when I was in my 12th Grade! I wasn't happy about it though, as "You missed a CENTUM, by 1 mark in Commerce, by 2 marks in Accountancy and by 4 marks in Business Maths" had followed it! 

But, I was happy that I made my parents proud with my score!  Relatives kept calling to congratulate me and also to criticize me for missing a Centum, as if they were GOLD MEDALISTS. 

A Coaching Academy for CA aspirants had the Big Heart to provide me a Scholarship for CA-CPT Coaching classes! I liked the deal and I also had the Big Heart to accept the offer, as it was for Free Consideration!  

Till such time, I never had any thought of pursuing CA, but just because I got a Scholarship, having wanted to utilize it optimally, I joined for the classes! it was a 2 months course! I was to give my attempt during December 2010. So, the classes were during "August-September."

I never wanted to wake up at 5 a.m, get ready for the classes, travel a long way carrying those Obese Books, in that Chilly Climate of the monsoon, though I was expected to do it!    

My Heart said : "Watta wowatic climate man, enjoy ur sleep, don't wake up"!

My Brain said : "Jump out of the bed, and Run for your Life"! 

But finally, it was my Heart which won!

And as a result, I ended up attending hardly 10 classes, that too, half-awake! 

The Speed at which time flew by can be related to that of an Ostrich's! 

It was November, and I didn't have even a month more.! I was with Books in my hands, and Fear in my Heart.! And I finally decided I have No Notes, No Guidance, and No Help.\ So I decided to study by myself.

Finally, 19th December 2010! 

I hadn't slept the previous day, as Fear kept me awake all the time! 

LOCATION : Exam Hall! 

PREPARATION : Law at my fingertips, Knew nothing in Accounts, Economics well read, & Quantitative Aptitude= *OMG. Save me please*!

SITUATION : I was dead sure that the 85 questions which I attended were absolutely correct! But, now were do I go for the rest 15 Marks?  

The *NEGATIVE MARKING DEVIL* kept coming before my eyes! 

And then, I finally realised that CA-CPT question paper is a 'MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION PAPER'.! So, work out the problem with all the choices and Tick the answer whcih fits in Perfect.! and I ended up attending around some 20 more! Suddenly, I realized that I attempted many questions only by the 'INKY PINKY PONKY BASIS', only after coming out of the exam hall! *OMG what have I done?* 

Finally, the Result Day

I wasn't at my home, instead chilling out with my friends with an attitude *Chill man, I am SURE of Passing*.! 

*Tring Tring Tring Tring* Again

But this time, from my family! It was my Brother. "100-JUST PASS"! "Duh, its a Just Pass? Who cares! I cleared it, that's all!" But, I could only then realize the value of that *1 MARK*, which made me miss my CENTUM in my 12th Grade, when one of my friends had failed with "99"! 

I could feel Sheer Luck overlapping the Hard Work I had put in! *THANK GOD* 

But I confess, despite the HARD WORK, SLEEPLESS  NIGHTS SPENT FOR STUDIES, o, ne other thing other than Luck, with which I cleared my CA-CPT is my "PARENT'S BLESSINGS", without which I couldn't have even given a try! 

The journey to CA starts from the CPT, so make a sincere approach to make Foundation Strong, unlike me, and I am dead sure  CPT= U will be able to CRACK  it in the  PERFECT TIME!  

CPT is really very easy for, CPT is just the COMMON PROFICIENCY TEST, which you definitely CAN PASS THORUGH! 

If I could, You can too! 

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