The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (SEBI LODR) mandates listed companies to make various disclosures on a quarterly, half-yearly, and annual basis to ensure transparency and protect the interests of investors.
The Percentage-of-Completion Method (POCM) is an accounting method commonly used in the construction industry and other long-term contracts. It involves recognizing revenues and expenses in proportion to the project's completion during each accounting period.
Learn how to easily file your income tax return online with this step-by-step guide!
This article delves into the critical aspects of sponsorship under the Goods and Services Tax (GST) regime in India, as the implications of GST on sponsorship services have a profound impact on both the sponsors and recipients, requiring a comprehensive understanding of the tax regime.
In this article, we will review Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 comprehensively, along with the CSR provisions, amendment rules, and other relevant details.
The issue discussed herein, though having significant commercial implications, has not been subject to much judicial interpretation.
A partnership firm is governed by the Partnership Act, 1932, and the partnership deed is executed between the partners (a partnership deed can be in oral or written form; however, in the state of Maharashtra, a written agreement is required).
Here's a detailed breakdown of the types of payments you can receive and make from your NRO account.
Each entrepreneur looks forward to the first stage of launching a company: company registration as a legal entity. Important legal documents that specify acceptable activities and limitations provide direction for businesses.
Income Tax Forms are now available for filing returns before the due date of 31st July 2024. One should be prompt in tax compliance and shall take proactive steps to ensure his Income Tax return is filed not only within the due date but also all particulars have been duly considered in his return.