CAclubindia Articles

Alternate Director - An Overview

  CMA. CS. Sanjay Gupta    13 July 2011 at 12:57

Alternate Director - An Overview According to the provisions of section 313 of the Companies Act, 1956, an Alternate Director is a person appointed by the Board if so authorised by the Articles or by a resolution passed by the company in the general

Stress - How to Handle it?

  Amol Gopal Kabra (CA,CS,DISA)    13 July 2011 at 12:57

One thing that every human has got by birth is Stress or what we call it in our customary language as Tension. There is no person in this universe that is free of tension. It is an inherent part of our lives. A school going kid has the

Name Availability Guidelines, 2011

  CS Ankur Srivastava    13 July 2011 at 12:56

NAME AVAILABILITY GUIDELINES, 2011 In supercession of all the previous circulars and instructions issued by Ministry of Corporate Affairs from time to time regarding name availability, the applicants and Registrar of Companies are advised to adher

What Will People Think Of Me?

  Krish    12 July 2011 at 12:26

What Will People Think Of Me? Do you feel any unknown fear that prevents you to ask question in the class room? Have you ever felt that what will people think of you if you do any work? Dont you like to participate in stage performance, fu

Recent Initiatives taken by the Ministry of Corporate Affair

  CA Tej Prakash Dixit    12 July 2011 at 12:26

Recent Initiatives taken by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs The Indian economy has expanded at a rapid rate during the current decade and the corporate sector has been the biggest contrib

PPP Contracts: "Swiss Challenge Method" and The Indian Law

  Bajirao    11 July 2011 at 12:40

Public Private Partnership (PPP) Contract: Infrastructure development projects in the past were thought of as a way of providing infrastructure at no extra cost to the public. For this reason the projects used to be generally investigated, design

A personal Letter to Salaried Class on recent exemption

  CA. Chikkerur C R    11 July 2011 at 12:40

A personal Letter to Salaried Class on recent exemption notification No need to wear Helmet & ride. If accident happens, we will not give you insurance" Dear Salary ITRians Hope you all had read recent notification by IT dept on ex

Frequently Asked Questions on NEFT System

  Harish Chandra    11 July 2011 at 12:40

Q.1. WHAT IS NEFT SYSTEM? Ans: National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT) system is a nation wide funds transfer system to facilitate transfer of funds from any bank branch to any other bank branch. Q. 2. ARE ALL BANK BRANCHES IN THE SYSTEM PAR

How to crack CA exams in first attempt

  CA bhargava    09 July 2011 at 15:25

As a CA student, the day he joins for the CA course., someone or other would be behind him saying that CA is tough we should work hard.

MCA Specific FAQ on XBRL

  Guest    08 July 2011 at 13:31

I would like to know, whether the XBRL software has to be purchased from separate vendors and then install in our computers or MCA itself will provide us with the software. Which agency should I approach to get the XBRL software? XBRL instance doc