CA - "Come Again" or "Certainly Achievable"?

Priyavarshini Jagannathan , Last updated: 02 July 2012  

Chartered Accountant - "CA" - The abbreviation actually has turned up the lives of so many people from the dark, and has brought them into the light!

But, there still, are a handful of aspirants who have been struggling to face the brightened up light and so choose to be in the dark forever!

The word CA has been excellently drafted which aptly suits the course, giving the students an option to make the Chartered Accountancy course a "Come Again" Course or a "Certainly Achievebale" course!

But, for me, I never had any thoughts to do CA initially, but when I saw many of my friends proudly boast about to everybody that "I am pursuing CA", they always got treated like GOD. So, me having wanted to be treated like GOD, enrolled myself for pursuing CA. 

But even though having got a scholarship for attending CA-CPT coaching classes for free, I had joined, but hated to wake up in the Early Morning Weather, as I had an amazing relationship with my bed and I ended up attending hardly 8 classes of the 2 months course!

But finally, 2 weeks before the CA CPT exam, having realised that I had applied to face the CA-CPT exam, I decided to adopt, self-study, as I was running out of options and help!

But, I was out of my senses, and on top of the world when I knew I had cleared it in my first attempt with a just pass score of 100. But yeah, 100 isn't a good score, but cracking the exam, is all what is needed, and I was pretty much happy that I got through it!

And I was like Ppphhhhhewwww!

And then, I realised, luck doesn't help all the time when I actually gave my first attempt for IPCC exam in May 2012.

I was eligible to give my IPCC first attempt, in Nov 2011, As I has cleared my CPT in Dec 2010. But "FEAR OF FAILURE" killed away my senses and I decided not to face the Terrorish Exam!  But had I given my first attempt in Nov 2011, and even if I had failed, I wouldn't have felt bad, coz my heart  knows the truth that the preparation wouldn't have been enough. 

Now, I have given my first attempt of IPCC this May 2012, but I am not sure of getting through the exam. Still, I am very much happy that I gave my Brain to gain some experience and knowledge .

Now, CA when it is very much interested in making you Come Again, take it with a smile on your lips and welcome it with a very neat place in your heart, because, When you learn to Come Again, you will automatically make it Certainly Achievable.

But, there are many people who pass the exams in their very first attempt! Few get through it, out of luck and few, by the real hard work and effort they put in. And to the contrary, there are people who have failed the exams, by the same luck! 

So all people who clear their exams in their first attempt are not Superiors, nor are the people who clear their exams in successive attempts are Inferiors.

But Chartered Accountancy course is really tough, and that is why it stands out to be Credible. So don' be sad when you fail, it is just an opportunity for you, to correct your mistakes and learn even more, which people who clear their CA exams in their first attempt, DO NOT GET!

Come Again or Certainly Achievable is now left to us!

If you Fear Failure, Success will never be your's!

Fight Failure and you end up Saluting Success.

So, to put it straight, and to cut a big story short,

If you want to Certainly Achieve it, don't  fear to Come Again.

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