I would like to start the article by sharing my personal story. I am not new to the failure; I've failed in so many aspects so far in life that failure would definitely outweigh successes.
Recently ICAI has announced that the CA-Final examination scheduled to be held from 2nd May, 2019 will going to be held from 27th May, 2019. This, some students..
Limited Review can be defined as the audit of financial statements on quarterly basis. Listed companies are required to conduct limited review through statutory auditors before s
Are we Financially Literate?Whenever the term money comes towards us we started to ponder and swagger our rationalism, but we are not sure that are we really literate about money or not
The word concurrent itself defines its meaning, concurrent means happening at the time. Concurrent Audit means doing the examination of the financial transactions at the time of happening or parallel with the transaction. Most of the new articl