Articles by CA SUDHINDRA D S

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Membership with BASL for Investment Advisers

  CA SUDHINDRA D S    13 July 2021 at 12:01

Self-Regulatory Organization is under the limelight for the past one year and now SEBI has recognized BSE Administration and Supervision Ltd. (BASL), a wholly owned subsidiary of BSE Ltd as an IAASB.

Whether input tax on works contract is blocked credit under GST

  CA SUDHINDRA D S    30 April 2018 at 16:29

Works contract has always been a debatable issue, be it whether a transaction qualifies as works contract or availing deduction from turnover or input tax credi..

Composite and Mixed Supply

  CA SUDHINDRA D S    29 November 2017 at 11:18

In the Erstwhile law there were confusions to classify, in few cases, whether an activity is sale of goods or service where the services are bundled with goods ..