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Articles by Swathi Reddy

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Precedent Transaction Analysis

  Swathi Reddy    09 October 2023 at 08:48

There's this awesome new collection of Televisions with super smart features at the store that caught your attention. Your neighbors have decided to purchase the latest models. Even though the price is fixed, you have a chance to get it at a lower price if you're good at negotiating.

Horizontal Analysis

  Swathi Reddy    26 September 2023 at 09:04

If you take a look at yourself now and think back to five years ago, do you notice any trends in how you've gotten better with your health, fitness, and money situation? If you can spot a pattern, we might be able to predict what the future holds for you!

Comparable Company Analysis

  Swathi Reddy    25 September 2023 at 09:16

How many times do we find ourselves comparing ourselves to others? And did you know that when companies do the same thing, it's called Comparable Company Analysis?

50 Excel Shortcuts with Alt Key!

  Swathi Reddy    16 August 2023 at 08:47

Let's learn some cool Alt Excel shortcuts

Waterfall Structure in Private Equity

  Swathi Reddy    14 August 2023 at 08:48

Have you ever seen a waterfall? It's pretty amazing! Speaking of waterfalls, have you heard of the private equity distribution structure that's also called a waterfall?

75 Excel Home Ribbon Shortcuts

  Swathi Reddy    08 August 2023 at 08:40

Let's learn some excel Home Ribbon shortcuts to make our work faster. All the shortcuts listed below start with Alt + H.

Vertical Analysis of the Income Statement

  Swathi Reddy    07 August 2023 at 08:45

Vertical analysis is a way to analyze financial statements. It shows each item as a percentage of a base figure. It is easy to understand. In this type of analysis, all income statement items are shown as a percentage of Sales.

Mutual Funds Checklist

  Swathi Reddy    04 August 2023 at 08:52

Well, before you invest your hard-earned cash in Mutual Funds, make sure you tick off this checklist first.

Why should I buy Health Insurance?

  Swathi Reddy    03 August 2023 at 09:00

Insurance is a necessary purchase for all individuals. But before you jump into any insurance plan, make sure to keep these important factors in mind. I

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