In the previous article, it was discussed in detail that what is meant by Principle of Destination and Origin Based Taxation and how they work. In this article I would dwell upon another key aspect of taxation i.e. Principle of Neutrality in Taxation
This article is a humble effort on the given topic as a learner. It is an effort on a subject, which as a part of legal profession; I know is the one of the most important but yet an underrated area known as Legal Writing. Public perceives legal prof
Understanding Goods and Service Tax # 2:Concept of Origin and Destination Based Taxation and how Indian Model of GST would be a Destination Based Taxation By CA Dr Arpit HaldiaThe fact that GST is destination based taxation is widely acknowl
Goods and Services Tax i.e. GST has been in the news for numerous reasons during the last decade be it the game changing concept in
25 Hours GST Scrutiny of Return and Notice Handling(With Recording)