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Vodafone 'Refund' Amendment - Possession is 9/10th of the law

  ANANDH SUNDAR    20 March 2012 at 12:11

The Budget of FY12-13 dropped a tax bombshell by introducing a retrospective change in law from 1962, directed at Vodafone and other simillar cases. While my esteemed seniors will doubtless analyze or litigate this change in law, I thought it fit to

Immoral/Illegal/Against public policy-yet taxable or tax deductible in India

  ANANDH SUNDAR    24 February 2012 at 12:04

During my study of both direct tax and indirect tax law, I saw quite a few instances where although the activity in question was illegal or prohibited, that fact was not considered for the purpose of tax law. That does seem a bit strange that tax la

Essar oil redefines factoring/assigning to save group cos

  ANANDH SUNDAR    31 January 2012 at 15:36

It is not often that concepts like factoring/assigning/taxation are relevant for investing. But sometimes, one is shocked at the extent of opacity in financial accounts. For some context, the Supreme Court recently held that Essar Oil was not eligib

How CA Profession Changed in 2011 Part-II

  ANANDH SUNDAR    20 December 2011 at 11:46

After my earlier article(http://www.caclubindia.com/articles/how-ca-profession-changed-in-2011-11847.asp) got a favourable response, I thought of writing a followup, now that we are at the end of 2011, with lots of economic uncertainity ahead. My ea

RBI Governor critiques ICAI on CPE, rent seeking, delegates

  ANANDH SUNDAR    19 December 2011 at 17:51

Its a habit of mine to read speeches by RBI Governor/Dy Governors to glean some insights into their way of thinking, and also generally to know what issues are generally concerning the economy. And while reading the RBI Governor's speech on Chal

20 months cash cost breakeven-the dangers of DishTVs strategy

  ANANDH SUNDAR    10 December 2011 at 13:04

Now, none of us would like to be classed as 'average', and I'm the first one to admit that there are quite a few pitfalls in that. Still, for the purpose of analyzing aggregate data, that would serve fine. To further appreciate the rest

S&P ESG India Index - The success of socially responsible investing

  ANANDH SUNDAR    02 December 2011 at 11:12

The above graph says it all. After a 15month hiccup from its Jan-08 launch(where it performed same as other indices), it broke away in Apr-09, and has not looked back since. A nearly 2.5yr track record of out-performance is not a joke. Now, one ma

How CA profession changed in 2011

  ANANDH SUNDAR    18 November 2011 at 12:29

We cannot (yet) travel in time, so only time can test my predictions of how the CA profession will evolve. However, so many exciting changes are happening(we live in interesting times) that I just had to pen down my thoughts to connect the dots.

When the going gets tough, the smart guys cook the books

  ANANDH SUNDAR    08 August 2011 at 12:09

When the going gets tough, the smart guys cook the books-examples of Jet and Kingfisher Warren Buffet famously said that an investor should have shot down the first aircraft that the Orwells flew, so that future investors would not have seen value

How competitive does CA make us for top 'finance' roles?

  ANANDH SUNDAR    22 June 2011 at 12:24

ICAI constantly markets CAs as 'partners in national building', 'trusted business advisors' etc. I guess if we discharge the audit/certification function properly, help the Governments switch to accrual accounting and help in monitor