Articles by Sumit Kumar Yadav

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Life without water and economy without GST

  Sumit Kumar Yadav    07 July 2016 at 11:06

There is a need of the system which can erode all such problems & can lead to the path which will simplify the taxation system & will give freedom from complex ..

Decline in interest rate and decline in happiness

  Sumit Kumar Yadav    23 March 2016 at 11:09

Recently, it was noticed, that interest and return on investments (For e.g. Fixed Deposit, Property and other investment tools) were continuously falling. But on the other hand, Th

Basic Accounting, Taxability and Audit of Non Profit Organsiations

  Sumit Kumar Yadav    02 November 2015 at 10:56

NON PROFIT ORGANISATIONSWHAT IS NON PROFIT ORGANISATIONS (NPO)A Non Profit Organization is an entity that is operated for the benefit of the society as a whole, rather than the benefit of sole proprietor or a group of people or shareholders.Examples