Declaration of significant beneficial ownership under Section 90 and Rule 4 of the Companies (Significant Beneficial Owners) Rules 2018: About BEN-1, BEN-2, BEN-3 and BEN-4
MANAGERIAL REMUNERATION UNDER THE COMPANIES ACT, 2013:Managerial Persons covered are Managing Director, Whole-time Director, Part time Directors and managers who shall be paid remunera tion subject to and in accordance with provisions of Section 197
ANNUAL RETURN: SCHEDULE V OF COMPANIES ACT, 1956 V/S FORM MGT-7 (along with Form 7.8) OF COMPANIES ACT, 2013 Section 1956 V/S Section 2013: Earlier the provisions of Annual Return were governed under Section 159,160,161, 162 & Schedule V of the A