Articles by Nisha Sharma

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Stability Vs Mobility

  Nisha Sharma    04 June 2015 at 12:18

It is always said that �Only Change is Constant�. True!! Well all of us must agree with the statement in our day to day lives. In this fast moving world we need to change as per the trend. But is that true for our jobs as well? Is changin

Decoding blame games

  Nisha Sharma    29 April 2015 at 10:48

I have had a great experience till date of working with an MNC and a reputed export house. I am as grateful to my seniors and colleagues who taught me many lessons in my life as I am for working sincerely and passionately for my employers. Although I

Case Study on Related Party Transactions

  Nisha Sharma    28 January 2015 at 10:51

This article is a case study on section 188 i.e. entering into contracts or arrangements with a related party with respect to: Case Study: Parties for which the case is to be discussed: a. ABC Pvt Ltd, a Company incorporated under Companies Act, 1956

Transparency in Government is the ultimate key to reform

  Nisha Sharma    24 January 2015 at 17:35

“A truly democratic country should be of complete transparency.” Government transparency means placing all financial and public information online in an easy-to-use, readily understandable system. Such a system allows taxpayers to see cle

Procedure of conversion of private ltd. company into LLP

  Nisha Sharma    13 November 2014 at 10:20

PREREQUISITES 1. No-Pending of E-forms filed by Company.2. No Charges should subsist at MCA site3. One financial year must over4. Update filing of all forms and returns5. Update - income tax filings. 2. PROCEDURE a. Board Resolution regarding Change

Committees and Mechanism to be formed under CA, 2013

  Nisha Sharma    08 November 2014 at 11:26

Here is a small tabular summary of the committe of mechanism to be adopted by the companies under Companies Act, 2013 S.No. Committee/Mechanism to be adopted Applicability Constitution Section and Rules applica

CSR- Commitment towards social good

  Nisha Sharma    06 November 2014 at 10:23

CSR- Commitment towards social goodCSR is the process by which an organization thinks about and evolves its relationships with stakeholders for the common good, and demonstrates its commitment in this regard by adoption of appropriate business proces

NCA- A scientific study rather than just law

  Nisha Sharma    27 October 2014 at 10:28

Everything in nature goes by law, and not by luck. Ralph Waldo EmersonSince 12th September, 2013 each and every professional have pulled their socks up to get down into the ocean of NCA and start analyzing the new world of the new law applic

Start loving the small things in present and reap the fruits

  Nisha Sharma    20 October 2014 at 11:48

It has been observed in the day to day lives of maximum professionals working in corporate or independently that they seem to be dissatisfied with the level and the nature of their work. Ofcourse the urge of achieving something bigger at each and eve