In the realm of professional qualifications, Chartered Accountancy (CA) holds a prestigious position in India. It is a rigorous journey that demands not just academic excellence but also mental resilience.
All over the globe, now every person is just panicked about the COVID-19, so amongst the CA students also�the constant question that is running in their mind is will the CA exams be postponed or not? Students are unable to focus on studies.However, one should stay away from all these distractions and make the most of this quarantine time.
Earlier for the CA Final old syllabus, financial reporting paper was quite sorted as there were few chapters like consolidation a sure shot question of 16 marks and limited AS. Well, we cannot comment on ICAI's difficulty level of question papers to judge FR to be so easy.
Where did I go wrong in spite of studying so Hard? Why I was not able to crack the paper? Are these questions racing against your head? In this article, you will learn about the art of writing in CA Exams.