Poonawalla fincorps
Poonawalla fincorps

Judgements by CA.Saibaburao Nanduri

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Held by the Hon`ble Bench that, neither the construction of hotel is completed nor the hotel business is commenced. Therefore rental income received by the assessee is not assessable under the head " Income from business".

Posted in Income Tax |   33 Views

Section 11(2)

  CA.Saibaburao Nanduri    06 October 2007 at 16:11

Held by the Hon`ble Court that, a perusal of the annual report and overview of the projects clearly shows that the projects were in consonance with the objectives sought to be achieved by the assessee, which were for the benefit of adolescent girls a

Posted in Income Tax |   36 Views

Held by the Hon`ble Court that, explanation 1 of section 32(1) does not apply in a case of construction on the land which is taken on lease by the assessee, assessee did not acquire a capital asset but had put up a construction of the building only f

Posted in Income Tax |   30 Views

Section 80 IA ::

  CA.Saibaburao Nanduri    02 October 2007 at 15:58

Held by the Hon`ble Court that, in the absence of any definition of the word manufacture one should appreciate the meaning as commonly understood by a reasonable person, form this point of view conversion of blank disc to a software loaded disc is cl

Posted in Income Tax |   31 Views

Section 147 ::

  CA.Saibaburao Nanduri    29 September 2007 at 19:48

Held by the Hon`ble Bench that, the scope of section 147 of Income-tax Act, is not for reversing the earlier order suo motu. Therefore reassessment is not permissible on the basis of change of opinion.

Posted in Income Tax |   24 Views

Block Assessment ::

  CA.Saibaburao Nanduri    28 September 2007 at 11:04

Held by the Hon`ble Court that, nothing was produced before Tribunal and Court, therefore A.O. relied on some non existent material and the addition made by him is set aside

Posted in Income Tax |   40 Views

Interest on Borrowed Capital ::

  CA.Saibaburao Nanduri    26 September 2007 at 11:36

Held that interest paid by the investment company on funds borrowed for purchase of shares, irrespective of the fact whether such shares were to be held as stock in trade or investment or for acquiring controlling interest in other companies, was ded

Posted in Income Tax |   29 Views

Interest on refund

  CA.Saibaburao Nanduri    24 September 2007 at 22:50

Held by the Hon`ble Bench that section 244A(1)(b) applies to "in any other case" which includes refund of tax as a result of payment of self assessment tax. It is further provided that interest shall be payable on the amount held and utilised by the

Posted in Income Tax |   26 Views


  CA.Saibaburao Nanduri    24 September 2007 at 12:37

Held by the Hon`ble Court that, it is not necessary to establish that debt had become bad only to write it off as irrecoverable in its accounts is enough to claim deduction u/s 36(1)(vii).

Posted in Income Tax |   32 Views

Held by the Hon`ble Court that, any `forced illness` of the machinery cannot disentitle to the assessee to claim the depreciation allowance, form the director report it is clear that the assessee was prevented form using the machinery because of the

Posted in Income Tax |   49 Views