Poonawalla fincorps
Poonawalla fincorps

Service Tax Judgements

Service Tax - Goods Transport Agency Service - Pre-deposit: Prima-facie, the appellants have only reimbursed the freight expenses incurred by the suppliers and since the appellants' contracts that the suppliers were on F.O.R basis, it is the supplier

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Works Contract Service

  CA Gunjan H Shah    05 July 2010 at 14:40

Works Contract Service: Stay: The work executed is in respect of the irrigation services and is not for any commerce or industry. The activities which are concerned with welfare of the citizens of this country has been excluded from the liability of

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Applicability of Central Excise and Service Tax Sections to CENVAT Credit: Sections 11A and 11AB will be applicable where the CENVAT credit in question has been utilised for payment of duty of excise on final products whereas Sections 73 and 75 of th

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Levy of ST on renting of immovable property as "unconstitutional"

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ST - Cenvat Credit on Outward Freight - Revenue disallows -held, Assessee is eligible for Credit: High Court

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A case of missed opportunities for Revenue, says Tribunal while setting aside Service tax demand of Rs.60 lakhs - Appellant is not an advertising agency but only receives commission on sales - Tribunal.

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Cenvat Credit of Canteen Services

  Arbind Aggarwal    15 January 2009 at 20:43

Held by Larger Bench:- · It is well settled that every clause of the Statute should be construed with reference to the context in which it is issued. A bare mechanical interpretation of words and application of legislative intent is devoid of conce

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Section 80 of the Finance Act, 1994 - Penalty- Not to be imposed in certain cases -Assistant Commissioner dropped penalty proceedings against assessee on finding that certain factors created confusion in mind of assessee which was a reasonable case o

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Non-submission of one particular return ST-3 for one quarter on the part of the assessee cannot be said to be intentional withholding of the same for the purposes of avoiding the payment of tax, which has been paid by the assessee

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Section 65 of the Finance Act, 1994, read with section 2(f) of the Central Excise Act, 1944 - Business auxiliary services - Periods 10-9-2004 to 30-6-2006 and 1-7-2006 to 30-6-2007 - Stay order - Whether what is excluded from definition of ‘Business

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