On line filing and processing of application for export of SCOMET items uploading of documents relating thereto. #pdf
Sathish M

on 23 February 2016

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Government of India l4inistry of Commerce & Industry Department of Commerce Directorate General of Forelgn Trade Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi Date: thefQ February 2016I Trade Notice No. 20l2015-20 To All applicants for SCOMET Export Authorization, All Chambers of Trade and Industry/Federation of Indian Export Organizations All RAs of DGFT Subject: Online filing and processing of application for export of SCOMET items- uploading of documents relating thereto. Improvement in ease-of-doing-business has been the constant endeavour of this Di recto rate . 2. Presently applications for export of SCOMET items are to be mandatorily filed online using digital signature as per Para 2.73 (b) of the Handbook of Procedures of FTP 2015-20. The requisite documents in respect of these applications continue to be submitted manually at present. 3. Under para 2.74 of Handbook of Procedures of FTP 2015-20, inter-ministerial working group (IMWG) in DGFT (Hqrs.) considers applications for export of SCOMET items as specified in Appendix-3 to Schedule 2 of the ITC (HS) Classifications of export items. Presently, the applications for SCOMET expoft are being forwarded manually to members of IMWG and are also processed manually. 4. With a view to reducing transaction time in the IMWG consultation process, it has been decided to adopt an online processing system for SCOMET appllcations in addition to online filing thereof. Under this system, the SCOMET applications alono with Drescribed documents will be forwarded to IMWG members electronically and the consultation process will be online also. 5. For the above purpose, software has been developed for uploading applications along with reouisite documents related to the SCOMET applications. 6. Accordlngly, all applicants/stakeholders involved in the export of SCOMET item are required henceforth to upload the following documents along with online application to enable this Directorate to forward appllcations electronically to the IMWG members for their comments/views/NoG to enable electronic processing of such applications: 1. End Use-cum-End User Certificate(s)(EUC) from all the firm/entities involved in the supply chain of the product(s) (to be furnished on their letter head(s) duly signed by the authorised signatory); 2. Copy(ies) of Purchase Orde(s) of firm(s) involved in the supply chain of the item/product; 3. Aayat Niryat Form (ANF)-1 (proflle of Expote0; 4. Elaborate technical specification relating to item of export; 5. Copy(ies) of supply contract/agreement {if documents are bulky only the relevant portion contalning contract reference and parties to the contract and the portion indicating the item(s) to be supplied and quantity thereof not exceeding 10 pages shall be uploaded); 6. Copy of DGFT authorization letter for the same product, if any in case of repeat application; 7. No hard copy of the application and documents are required to be submitted to DGFT (HQ) except for the following documents: a. Original End Use-cum-End User Certificate (EUC); b, Copies of Bills of Entry into the destination country for items expofted during the last one year. Further details may be read at Para 3(iv) of guidelines for applicants under ANF 20. (S.[. Samal) Joint Director General of For{gn Trade e-mail : sk.sarllal@nic.in Copy to: All IMWG members PPS to Commerce Secretary PPS to DGFT {(Issued from F.No.01/91 I t7 U37 | AMI0|EC(S)}


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