Logical Operators in Excel - How to Compare Things
List of Logical Operators
Condition Operator Description Simple Usage Example
Equal to = Checks if a value is equal to
another value.
(checks if 1 is equal to 5 - result will
Not equal to <> Check if a value is NOT equal to
another value.
(checks if 1 is NOT equal to 5 -
result will be TRUE)
Greater than > Check if a value is greater than
another value.
(checks if 1 is greater than 5 -
result will be FALSE)
Less than < Check if a value is less than
another value.
(checks if 1 is less than 5 - result
will be TRUE)
Greater than or
equal to
>= Check if a value is greater than OR
equal to another value.
(checks if 1 is greater than or equal
to 5 - result will be FALSE)
Less than or
equal to
<= Check if a value is less than OR
equal to another value.
(checks if 1 is less than or equal to
5 - result will be TRUE)