Dear CA Club Friends & Seniors, Namaste! This table is prepared by me after learning the PMT function, if and if error, references(absolute & relative) functions in MS Excel. Highlight of this Table is, it will display only that data for which the Table is calculated using the input data entered by the User. Please check and revert for edits and recommendations. Thank you! Regards, Manjunath LOAN AMORTIZATION TABLE Sl No. Notes: 1 Create & Use Consumer Loan Amortization Table 2 PMT Function to calculate PMT on Annuity with Regular PMT and Constant Rate 3 Calculations for Amortization Table with Relative and Absolute Cell References 4 Enter the "EXTRA PAYMENT" Amount against the Date you would pay 5 USE FILTER OPTION ON INSTALMENT NO. & "UN-CHECK BLANKS" TO DISPLAY DATA WITHOUT BLANKS 6 THEN, Ctrl + * OR Ctrl + Shift + 8 > Highlights Current Range (Current Table) 7 IF NO DATA IS ENTERED, THEN THE TABLE WILL BE BLANK! 8 Lumpsum payment at End is balance amount you would pay extra at the end of loan duration (maybe because you might have made some savings) #xlsx
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