Limited Liability Partnership (Second Amendment) Rules 2016 #pdf
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ITO BE PUBLISHED IN THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, EXTRAORDINARY, PART n, SECTION 3, SUB SECTION (Dl GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF CORI'ORATE AFFAIRS Notification New Delhi, t0,r, June, 20t6. G.S.R (E)..... -ln exercise of the powe$ conferred by sub-sections (l) and (2) of section 79 of the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 (6 of 2009), the Centlal Govelnment hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Limited Liability Partnership Rules, 2009 namely:- 1. Short title and commencement- (1) These rules may be called the Limited Liabilig Partnership (Second Amendment) Rulet 2016. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the official Cazefte. 2. ln the Limited Liability Partnership Rules, 2009,- (a) in Form 2,- (l) in Part A, in serial number 12, in item (i), for sub-item (ii),the following shall be substituted, oamely:- "(ii) Name of nomineP : (ll) in Part B, under the heading 'Addendum to Form 2', in sedal number 6, in itcm (i), for sub-item (ii),the following shall be substituted, namely:- "(ii) Name of norninee (b) ln Form 3,- (I) in part A, in serial numbcr Z in item (ii) for the Table, the following shall be substitute4 namely:- I234567I "SI No. DPIN/ Income tax PAN/ Passport number Name of Partner Name of Nominec in case of body corporate Designati (Partner/ Designate d Partner) Form of Contrib ution Moneta ry Valuc o{ Contrib ution Y. of profit sharing"; (ll) in part B, for serial number 21- (A), in item (a) for the Table, the following Table shall be substituted, namely:- (B) in item (b), for the Table, the following Table shall be substituted, namely:- 12345678 "Typc of change DPIN/ Income tax PAN/ Passport number Name of Partner Name of Nominee in case of body corporate Designati on (Partner/ Designat ed Partner) Form of Contrib ution Moneta ty Value of Contrib uuon %oI prolit sharing"; o Deletion o change Ono change ODP OP 1234567 "Type of change DPIN/ Income tax PAN/ Passpoit number Name of Paftner Name of Nominee in case of body corPorarc Form of Contrib uuon Moneta ry Value of Contrib uhon % of profit sharing" ; ODP OP (c) (a) in Form 4,- (a) in serial number 7, in itcm (i), for sub-item (ii), the following shall be substituted, namelyi "(ii) Name of nominee (b) under the heading 'Addendum to Form 4', in serial number 5, in item (i), for sub-item (ii) the following shall be substituted, namely:- "(ir) Name of nominee (d) In Form 11, in serial number 13, in item (ii), for the table, the following shall be substituted, namely:- lF. No. 1Zl31l2015-CL-VI Joint Secretary to Covt. of Indra FootNote- The principal rules were published in the Gazefte of India, Part II section 3, sub-section (i) vide GSR No 229(E) dated 1't April, 2009 and subsequently amended by GSR No 385(E) and 386(E) dated 4'h June, 2009, GSR No 6(E) dated 6thJanuary,201Q GSR 24(E) dated 11th January, 20.10, cSR 914(E) dated 15d' November,201o GSR 506(E) datcd 5'h July,2011, GSR 680(E) dated.14'h September, 2011, GSR 796(E) dated 4th November, 2011, cSR 430(E) dated 5ih June, 2012, GSR 485(E) dated 21r lt e, 2072, cSR 692(E) dated 14th Scptembcr, 2012 and GSR 333(E) dated 29th April, 2015, GSR 785 (E) dated 15th October, 2015, GSR 418 (E) dated 13th April, 2016, 23456 "DPIN/ Income tax PAN/ Passport number Name of Parhrer/ Designate d Partner Name of Nominee in case of body corporate Section number OffenccPcnalty imposed"; ;61 t6 ti{rR * {rirq{, 3r{rqRq s{rr-2,


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