The first edition of 'Investment Banking’ appeared in 2010, and I am encouraged to launch its 4th edition in about 51 months from the initial beginning. The success of the previous editions made me more determined to build further on its contents to provide the readers (bankers, analysts, students, professors) with more at-the-desk practical reference material. I believe that the book appeals to readers around the globe as it advocates the logical approach and universal fundamentals. The book has been expanded, updated and improved with growing experiences of training and working in the investment-banking sector. The book has been updated and expanded with a try to make it more reader friendly. To make the book easier to navigate, we have broken up long chapters from the previous edition into shorter chapters, so that each chapter is of a more manageable size and the reader can find important topics faster. An important addition to the book is inclusion of income based valuation method i.e. DCF Valuation that has a wide range of applications, including valuation for various M&A situations, IPOs, restructuring, and investment decisions. #pdf
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