Implementation of Budget Announcements 2016-2017 #pdf

on 29 February 2016

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1.13Amendment in the RBI Act for a Monetary Policy Committee1 2.24Amendment in the Finance Bill to the FRBM Act1 3.27Well targeted system of subsidy delivery1-2 4.29Improving Soil Health2-3 5.30Agriculture credit3 6.31Farm credit3 7.32Employment of poor under MGNREGA3 8.33Unified National Agriculture Market4 9.34Micro Units Development Refinance Agency (MUDRA) Bank4-5 10.35Improving liquidity in MSME Sector through TReDS5 11.36Bankruptcy Code5-6 12.37Utilization of Postal network as financial system6 13.38NBFCs as ‘Financial Institution’6 14.39Universal Social Security System6 15.40Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana and Atal Pension Yojana6-7 16.41Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana7 17.42Senior Citizen Welfare Fund7 18.43Physical Aids and Assisted Living Devices for senior citizens7 19.45Nai Manzil for minority youth7-8 20.46Investment in infrastructure8-9 21.47National Investment and Infrastructure Fund (NIIF)9 22.48Atal Innovation Mission (AIM)9-10 23.49A more liberal system for growth10 24.50Self-Employment and Talent Utilisation (SETU)10 25.51Corporatization of ports10 26.52Ease of doing business in India11 27.53An Expert Committee to draft legislation on ease of doing business11 28.54Plug-and-play mode in the infrastructure projects11-12 29.55Enhancement of allocations to various schemes12 30.56Public Debt Management Agency (PDMA)12-13 31.57Merger of the Forwards Markets Commission with SEBI13 32.58Amendment to Section-6 of FEMA13 33.59Financial Redressal Agency13 34.61EPF and ESI13-14 35.62Amendment in EPF and ESI Act14 Table of Contents S. No.Para No.SubjectPage (in the Budget Speech of 2015-16) 36.63Monetisation of Gold14 37.64Incentivizing credit or debit card transactions15 38.65Alternate Investment Funds15 39.66Simplification of the procedures15 40.67Manufacturing hubs in CMLV countries through SPVs15 41.68Allocation of`1,000 crore to the Nirbhaya Fund15-16 42.69Restoration of Heritage Sites16-17 43.70VISAs on arrival17 44.71Faster Adoption & Manufacturing of Electric Vehicles (FAME)17-18 45.72Procurement law18 46.73Public Contracts (Resolution of Disputes) Bill18 47.74Regulatory reform law18 48.75Skill India18 49.76National Skills Mission19 50.77Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gramin Kaushal Yojana19 51.78100th birth anniversary of Shri Deen Dayalji Upadhyay19 52.79Pradhan Mantri Vidya Lakshmi Karyakram19 53.80One major Central Institute in each State20-22 54.81Bank Board Bureau22 55.82The National Optical Fibre Network Programme (NOFNP)22 56.85SBIP and DSIR23-24 57.87GIFT25 58.88Commercial Divisions in various Courts25 59.96GST25 60.101Measures to tackle Black Money26 61.102New law on black money26 62.103Amendment in the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 (FEMA)26-27 63.104Benami Transactions (Prohibition) Bill27 64.105Amendment in the Income-tax Act for curbing black money27-28 65.106Tax ‘pass through’ in Category-I and Category-II Alternative Investment Funds28 66.107Pass through to Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) and Infrastructure Investments Trusts (InvITs)28 67.108Modification of the Permanent Establishment (PE) norms29 68.116Rationalization of MAT provisions for FIIs29 69.117Recommendations of the Tax Administration Reform Commission (TARC)30 S. No.Para No.SubjectPage (in the Budget Speech of 2015-16) (ii) 11T i c A m F k a M [No De 22I F [No De 32G M c o c i wi T n W s l c s [No M G F A G Dr M L W T F N Ru th T, as Ac G i c c a r M u n G o s


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